Restore the Vote and Diver's Licenses for All Passed the House and Senate!
 Good news! The MN House and Senate have now approved two long-awaited bills: Driver's Licenses for All and Restore the Vote! These bills are particularly relevant to our Ward 6 community which includes many recent immigrants and folks who have faced incarceration.
Driver's License for All: Those who have been unable since 2003 to obtain Minnesota driver's license will soon be able to do so following the passing of this major legislation.
Restore the Vote: If you served time for a felony, you can now vote as soon as you are released even if still on probation. I am so thrilled to see this move to the Governor's desk as I worked on the Restore the Vote campaign while at Take Action MN!
Thank you to the organizers and legislators who made these possible!
Request for Grant Proposals -Community Gun Violence Prevention
St. Paul’s Office of Neighborhood Safety is currently accepting application proposals for programs that promote health and well-being for the Saint Paul community and reduce barriers to safety by disrupting gun violence, youth violence, and group-based and structural violence trends.
Programs should creatively incorporate elements of Community First Public Safety recommendations and seek to prevent, intervene, or interrupt activities that impact public safety and/or rehabilitate communities adjacent to or impacted by violence.
Program details, selection process, and application here.
Join ONS Director Brooke Blakey and other City staff members for an informational webinar on February 23 at 6 p.m. Register here to join the event.
Saint Paul Financial Empowerment Community Awards
 Nominations are now open for first ever Saint Paul Financial Empowerment Community Awards. Deadline: 5pm, Monday, March 13, 2023.
Award Categories. Consider nominating for one or more of the Award Categories here by 5pm, on M, March 13, 2023.
Community Impact: Delivered high impact financial health, community wealth building, or fair housing program, policy, or strategy impacting Saint Paul residents
Community Impact – Youth: Delivered high impact financial health, community wealth building, or fair housing program, policy, or strategy focused specifically on youth between the ages of birth to age 24.
Community Innovation – COVID response: Advanced a cutting-edge financial health, community wealth building, or fair housing program, policy, or strategy in response to the economic impacts of COVID 19.
Community Innovation – Financial inclusion: Advanced a cutting-edge financial inclusion program, policy, or strategy impacting Saint Paul residents. Financial inclusion means that individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs – transactions, payments, savings, credit and insurance – delivered in a responsible and sustainable way.
Community Impact – Advocate. A non-managerial role for an individual working directly on the front lines with Saint Paul residents to advance financial health, community wealth building, or fair housing. The award winner will be a staunch advocate and effectively achieved participant-centered goals.
SAVE THE DATE. The Financial Empowerment Community Awards will occur on Tuesday, April 25 at 4:30pm in downtown Saint Paul. To register for the award ceremony, click here.
To learn more about the award ceremony and nominations, visit us here. Reach out to with any questions.
Seeking Community Reparations Staff and District Council Liaison
The City of St Paul is now hiring a Community Reparations Commission Staff and District Council System Liaison! View full information and apply at
Community Reparations Commission - Now Accepting Applications
The Saint Paul City Council has announced the launch of the application process for the Saint Paul Recovery Act Community Reparations Commission.
This 11-member Commission will serve as an advisory body to the Mayor and the City Council on matters related to damage caused by public and private systemic racism in the City of Saint Paul which resulted in racial disparities in generational wealth, homeownership, health care, education, employment and pay, and fairness within the criminal justice system among the American descendants of slavery.
Applications due by March 24th:
Youth Jobs through Right Track
 Right Track provides paid summer internships for young people from St Paul. Join Right Track to develop your employment skills, build your network, and earn money. Apply now at!