St Paul 350 Energy Assistance Event
 This coming Sunday, Feb 12th, St. Paul 350 is co-sponsoring a community gathering in St. Paul for residents to learn about programs that offer energy bill assistance and discuss how to work together to change the system. Event agenda:
- Welcome and Community Meal
- Help with Energy Bills Discussion
- Conversation about Our Energy System
- Resource Tabling
Sunday, February 12 | 2-4 p.m. Neighborhood House, Room 212 179 Robie St E.
The meal is free and children are welcome! You can RSVP online here.
Request for Grant Proposals -Community Gun Violence Prevention
St. Paul’s Office of Neighborhood Safety is currently accepting application proposals for programs that promote health and well-being for the Saint Paul community and reduce barriers to safety by disrupting gun violence, youth violence, and group-based and structural violence trends.
Programs should creatively incorporate elements of Community First Public Safety recommendations and seek to prevent, intervene, or interrupt activities that impact public safety and/or rehabilitate communities adjacent to or impacted by violence.
Program details, selection process, and application here.
Join ONS Director Brooke Blakey and other City staff members for an informational webinar on February 23 at 6 p.m. Register here to join the event.
Youth Jobs through Right Track
 Right Track provides paid summer internships for young people from St Paul. Join Right Track to develop your employment skills, build your network, and earn money. Apply now at!
Possible Truck-Parking Ordinance
 Discussions are underway about a possible restriction on truck parking in St Paul. A possible ordinance could limit semi parking to off-street locations only within the city.
If you are a trucker, a resident with ties to trucking, or someone who has had difficulties with trucks parked on city streets, please reach out to our office! You can email or call 651-266-8660.
East Metro Main Street Economic Revitalization Grants Available
Is your business along Payne Ave, Arcade St, East 7th St, or White Bear Ave? If yes, apply for the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program! This program will distribute up to $7 million in grants to businesses and nonprofit organizations for capital projects in select St Paul business corridors. Grants will support economic recovery from the impacts of civil unrest, the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges to these commercial corridors since March 15, 2020.
Learn more and apply here. For translation support, please call 651.325.4202.