Upcoming Community Conversation
 Come share your feedback and ideas about snow plowing and trash pickup in the City of Saint Paul with Councilmember Nelsie Yang and Saint Paul Public Works staff. Meet on Monday, January 23rd at the Arlington Hills Rec Center from 6-8pm. Email Ward6@ci.stpaul.mn.us or call 651-266-8660 with any questions or accommodations.
Missed Trash Pick-ups
The City's garbage team met with Waste Management route managers, District Manager, and the manager of the Saint Paul Haulers’ Consortium this week to address the many missed pick-ups that have happened over the last month. WM made the following commitments:
- All missed collections in Saint Paul will be collected by 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 14.
- WM will provide information to the City regarding credits for missed collections
- WM believes they will be on pace to avoid missed collections moving forward
- WM asked that all possible efforts to have carts and extra bags clear of snow be made so they can make good on their commitments.
Public Works staff will be following up with our office, city residents, WM, and the Consortium to ensure these commitments are completed. The City is assessing Liquidated Damages to WM for incomplete routes which occurred in December and will continue to do everything possible, including assessment of Liquidated Damages in compliance with the Contract with the haulers, to hold WM to the Contract provisions.
January 17th is the National Day of Racial Healing
 Local governments in the Twin Cities are partnering to bring a community event to recognize the National Day of Racial Healing. Racism impacts all of us and we believe we need to create more safe spaces for our collective healing.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023 from 6-8pm
Register for the Zoom meeting
Management Partner Sought for the Phalen Lakeside Activity Center
 Saint Paul Parks and Recreation has released a Request-For-Proposals (RFP) seeking a management partner for the Phalen Lakeside Activity Center (1530 Phalen Dr). This is a unique facility that has been an important part of the parks and recreation system for decades, and now the City hopes to reimagine and revitalize it with a partner organization and the community. Solicitations are open on Saint Paul Bids through February 3rd, 2023 at 4pm.
The Heights - Public Art Workgroup
 Help make public art decisions for The Heights in collaboration with the Saint Paul Port Authority and Forecast Public Art by becoming part of The Heights Public Art Workgroup!
Workgroup members will influence the creation of a Public Art Master Plan, to include art themes, neighborhood storytelling, and the selection of local artists, in line with the current Hillcrest master plan. Stipends to workgroup members will be provided thanks to a grant provided by the White Bear Avenue Business Association.
Apply now through January 19th!
1% Sales Tax Proposal to Support Roads and Parks Infrastructure
 Last week, City Council supported 6 to 1 the proposed 1% sales tax increase to fund special capital improvement projects. This local sales tax of one percent would generate $984,000,000 over 20 years, starting in 2024, and would be used to support regionally significant improvements for transportation infrastructure as well as parks and recreational infrastructure. This proposed tax will require approval from the House and Senate Taxes Committees before becoming law. If passed, the use of this tax money will require a ballot measure subject to voter approval for each project.
I am supportive of this 1% sales tax increase as it will fund much needed improvements to our streets and parks infrastructure. It also ensures that all people, beyond just Saint Paul residents, who utilize and benefit from all that our capital city has to offer contribute toward this critical revenue gap. This is a form of tax relief that Saint Paul residents in financial distress have been asking for.
I hope you will join me in supporting this important measure to improve our streets and parks infrastructure.
Read the full resolution here.

HomeHelpMN is offered through Minnesota Housing to help if you have fallen behind on your mortgage or other housing-related expenses due to the pandemic. Get help with past-due mortgage payments, other past-due expenses, and find resources to avoid foreclosure. Apply online at homehelpmn.org.
East Metro Main Street Economic Revitalization Grants Available
Is your business along Payne Ave, Arcade St, East 7th St, or White Bear Ave? If yes, apply for the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program! This program will distribute up to $7 million in grants to businesses and nonprofit organizations for capital projects in select St Paul business corridors. Grants will support economic recovery from the impacts of civil unrest, the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges to these commercial corridors since March 15, 2020.
Learn more and apply here. For translation support, please call 651.325.4202.