East Metro Main Street Economic Revitalization Grants Available
Is your business along Payne Ave, Arcade St, East 7th St, or White Bear Ave? If yes, apply for the Main Street Economic Revitalization Program! This program will distribute up to $7 million in grants to businesses and nonprofit organizations for capital projects in select St Paul business corridors. Grants will support economic recovery from the impacts of civil unrest, the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges to these commercial corridors since March 15, 2020.
Learn more and apply here. For translation support, please call 651.325.4202.
Tentative Developer Selected for Former Hamm’s Brewery Complex
  I'm excited to share that JB Vang Partners, Inc. has been selected as the tentative developer for the original Hamm’s Brewery Complex following an extensive request for proposals (RFP) and review process. JB Vang is an experienced Saint Paul-based developer of housing, commercial and historic rehab projects. Their proposal most closely aligned with the RFP review criteria and the vision of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to create an East Side anchor development.
The proposal from JB Vang considered the cultural and economic needs of the neighborhood and offered the largest number and greatest variety of affordable housing types and a balance of residential and commercial uses. Multiple opportunities for wealth building through homeownership and entrepreneurship are also part of the plan.
Specifically, the JB Vang plan proposes:
- 259 affordable housing units, with one- and two-bedroom rentals and ownership live/work studios in the renovated brewery complex and family-sized ownership rowhomes and rental apartments in a new construction building;
- 56,000 square feet of commercial space, including a two-story marketplace in the former brewhouse; and
- An outdoor public plaza, indoor community space and greenspace adjacent to Swede Hollow Park and Bruce Vento Trail.
New Dog Park Now Open
 Come play with your pup at our city's newest dog park at Lower Landing Park (200 Warner Rd)! This is now the 7th dog park in Saint Paul.
(Please note, this winter the Lower Landing dog park may need to close temporarily if temperatures are above freezing in order to protect the new turf, which has not yet been established. Expect the park to temporarily close for a period in spring 2023 to allow the turf to fully establish.)
Hafner Site Request for Offers
 The City of Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) released a Request for Offers (RFO) for the purchase and redevelopment of the former Hafner’s site located at 1570 White Bear Avenue on the Greater East Side of Saint Paul. Offers are due by 4 pm on Monday, December 5, 2022. View the full RFO and find more information on how to submit proposal materials at stpaul.gov/1570WhiteBearAve.
About the site
The HRA acquired the property in 2002 and demolished the building in 2003. The 2.18-acre, vacant parcel offers proximity and access to transit, parks and natural amenities, the commercial districts along White Bear Avenue and the upcoming redevelopment of the former Hillcrest Golf Course site, now known as The Heights.
The HRA is seeking proposals that align with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the Greater East Side District and White Bear Avenue Small Area Plans.
Year Round STAR Grants
 Do you own a business or run a non-profit in St Paul's 6th Ward? Are you in need of funding for a time-sensitive building repair or improvement?
You may be eligible for a Year-Round STAR Grant from Ward 6. Please email our office at Ward6@stpaul.gov with information on your project and to receive an application.
Applications are subject to approval from the St Paul STAR Board and St Paul City Council. Funding is given as reimbursement for approved expenses, up to $15,000 per project per year.