Shape the Future of the Payne-Phalen Neighborhood
 You are invited to help shape the future of Payne-Phalen by joining your neighbors to share your stories and hear theirs. Everyone who lives or works in Payne Phalen neighborhood is encouraged to share! These stories will become a part of the District Plan that the city of St. Paul uses to plan, develop, and share resources with the neighborhood. You will also be invited to see and comment on that plan as it takes shape over the course of 2023. Please join in this step toward a more prosperous, inclusive future for everyone. Sponsored by the Payne Phalen Community Council, Wonderlust Productions, and hosted by 8218 Truce Center.
Sat, Nov 19, 10:30-12:30 pm Arlington Hills Library (1200 Payne)
Sat, Dec 3, 1:00-3:00 pm Truce Center (973 Payne)
Mon, Dec 5, 6:00-8:00 pm Arlington Hills Library (1200 Payne)
Tues, Dec 6, 6:00-8:00 pm East Side Freedom Library 91105 Greenbrier St)
Thurs, Dec 8, 7:00-9:00 pm Black Sheep Tattoo (713 Minnehaha Ave E)
Contact for more.
Financial Help for Homeowners
The Saint Paul Homeownership Preservation Program (SPHPP) still has funds available to help struggling local homeowners with future housing costs. Eligible Saint Paul homeowners can receive grants for direct mortgage assistance or other associated costs.
Assistance with eligible future costs requires household income no higher than 60 percent of the area median income, and a housing “cost-burden” greater than 30 percent (i.e. the household spends more than 30 percent of its total monthly income on eligible housing costs).
Eligible applicants will be referred to a foreclosure prevention advisor with a Minnesota Homeownership Center network partner. Foreclosure prevention advising is required to be eligible for any potential financial assistance, which is being offered for future housing expenses and past-due bills under specific conditions. The maximum amount available to any household through SPHPP is $35,000. Payments will be made directly to the entity that is owed the funds.
Check your eligibility and get started by visiting or by calling 651-236-8952.
Section 8 Wait List Opening
 The St. Paul Public Housing Agency (PHA) will accept applications for its Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list from Tuesday, November 15th - 21st by 11:49pm.
Applicants can apply at Check their status of your application at or by calling 651-371-6135.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly known as the Section 8 Program, assists very low-income families with rental subsidies paid to landlords in the private rental market. Housing Choice Voucher participants typically pay 30% of their income towards their rent, and the PHA pays the rest, up to a reasonable market rent. The St. Paul PHA currently assists over 5,000 households through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
More information about the Housing Choice Voucher program can be found at and
East Metro Main Street Economic Revitalization Grants Available
30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Program
 Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, the City established the 30% AMI Deeply Affordable Housing Program. Saint Paul’s current solicitation aims to facilitate the creation of multifamily rental housing that includes units affordable to households at or below the 30% Area Median Income level ($35,190 for a family of four). This solicitation has an added focus on increasing the supply of permanent supportive housing and prioritizing equitable development.
View application criteria and apply here by Wednesday, November 30, 2022, by 4:30 p.m.
Hafner Site Request for Offers
 The City of Saint Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) released a Request for Offers (RFO) for the purchase and redevelopment of the former Hafner’s site located at 1570 White Bear Avenue on the Greater East Side of Saint Paul. Offers are due by 4 pm on Monday, December 5, 2022. View the full RFO and find more information on how to submit proposal materials at
About the site
The HRA acquired the property in 2002 and demolished the building in 2003. The 2.18-acre, vacant parcel offers proximity and access to transit, parks and natural amenities, the commercial districts along White Bear Avenue and the upcoming redevelopment of the former Hillcrest Golf Course site, now known as The Heights.
The HRA is seeking proposals that align with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and the Greater East Side District and White Bear Avenue Small Area Plans.