Deadline Today for East 7th & Arcade Street Comments
 MnDOT narrowed design changes for Arcade and E 7th Streets based on community feedback between February and June. You can view the updated designs, leave comments, and take a survey at
Deadline: any feedback and recommendations on the proposed design layouts should be submitted to the project team by TODAY Friday, August 19. MnDOT encourages you to complete the entire survey, but if you are only interested in one section of the project - or don't have time before the deadline - you can skip to that section of the survey, leave comments, and submit the survey.
Nominate a Favorite Business for the St Paul Business Awards

Can you think of a business that has strong attributes and contributions to you, your neighborhood, and the city? If so, NOMINATE it or APPLY to be recognized as a business for the 6th annual Saint Paul Business Awards! These awards give recognition with the award categories below:
Alice O’Brien, women-owned business that is committed to equity and empowerment
Good Neighbor, shows dedication to improving the community (check out this video about the 2021 Good Neighbor winner -- Hoa Mei Market & Deli in Ward 6!)
New Kid on the Block, open in Saint Paul within the last five years
People’s Choice, recognized for its excellence by Saint Paul residents
Traditions, has been active in Saint Paul for at least 20 years
Nominate and/or apply at,
Nominations close September 28, 2022 @ 4:30 pm. Applications close October 5, 2022 @ 4:30 pm.
Cultural STAR Applications Now Being Accepted
 The application is currently open for the next round of Cultural STAR! The program provides funding for projects and programs that attract audiences, develop and improve cultural facilities and build capacity of artists and cultural organizations in Saint Paul.
This round is for projects taking place between January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023.
The application period will remain open until September 23 at 4 p.m. Find more information and the application link at
Serve on the Neighborhood Safety Community Council
 Apply to serve on the new Neighborhood Safety Community Council (NSCC)!
This 15-member group will work with the Director of the Office of Neighborhood Safety to create a strategic plan, review the effectiveness of initiatives undertaken by ONS, advise staff, and gather input from residents.
The NSCC will meet at least four times per year, with additional meetings taking place as often as necessary, and members will receive a $50 stipend per meeting.
Submit your application now through September 16.
Read about the Office of Neighborhood Safety here.
Apply to be on the Transportation Committee

The Transportation Committee is a volunteer committee that advises on transportation projects and policies in St Paul, including those of other agencies. Committee meetings are held every other Monday from 4:30 - 6 pm in the St Paul City Hall Annex. Applicants representing accessibility/disability issues, business representatives, and transit experts are especially encouraged to apply.
Become a Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commissioner
The St Paul Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission is currently seeking commissioners from Wards 6 and 7!
The Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission (PCIARC) reviews and makes disciplinary and policy recommendations to the Saint Paul Chief of Police on all civilian-initiated police conduct complaints.
The time commitment for a Commissioner is 10-20 hours per month depending on the number and type of cases being reviewed and any community outreach events. Meetings are evenings on the first Wednesday of each month in community centers around St Paul. Each meeting carries a stipend of $50.
Submit your application until positions are filled.
The Future of Parks & Rec - Take the Survey!
 As a community, we’re growing. Our needs and interests continue to change. As a city, we’ve made commitments to make our parks even more inclusive for residents in regards to race, ethnicity, gender, age and neighborhood. An updated Parks System Plan will give us an important tool to continue making investments in buildings, open spaces and programming. Take the Parks System Plan Survey to share your thoughts!
Free Composting Workshops
 Learn about backyard composting with Saint Paul Public Works! Join in one of four, free Composting 101 Workshops this summer:
- Tues, August 23
- Sun, September 18
- Sat, September 24
Attendees will receive training and all the supplies necessary to get started with backyard composting.
Classes are limited to 30 attendees and to Saint Paul residents. Register today at