Design Direction Announced for Hayden Heights Library

More than 3,500 community members have informed the vision to transform Hayden Heights, Hamline Midway, and Riverview libraries. Check out the design decision announcements at!
Now that design directions have been established, the design process will continue throughout the summer as the plans for each library are refined to meet the needs of the community. From local artist-led Creative Encounters to community meetings and surveys, there will be several opportunities for people to engage and share their voice.
Met-Council Funding for Housing & Livable Wage Jobs
 The City of Saint Paul pre-application period has opened for the Metropolitan Council’s Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Development and Transit Oriented (TOD) Development programs.
Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA) Development Grants - funding projects that create more housing choice through the creation or preservation of affordable housing, or introduction of new housing types. Projects create living wage jobs accessible to local workers are also competitive. Must mitigate climate change through sustainable site design and building practices. Must strive to achieve equitable development outcomes.
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Grants - funding for moderate to higher-density development or redevelopment projects within easy walking distance of a major transit stop. Typically include a mix of land uses. Must include diverse uses and increase the concentration of amenities in compact transit station areas.
Eligible costs: site acquisition, demolition, clearance, building rehabilitation (interior and exterior), new construction and related public infrastructure, energy efficiency. quality of life improvements. Design processes that include public place-making, way finding, universal design elements and artist-led reflections are encouraged!
Pre-applications for both programs are due Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Grant details here.
Questions? Contact Marilyn Rosendahl, Senior City Planner, (651) 266-6606 or
Hillcrest Public Hearing
 The Saint Paul City Council had it's public hearing on the draft Hillcrest Master Plan this past Wednesday, May 25th. It was so encouraging to hear the words of support from those who came to speak! Listen to the meeting recording here. Details of the development can now begin. Please continue to participate in this process!
Click here for more Information and sign up for updates
2023 City Budget Feedback
Share your input on the 2023 City Budget! There will be a series of 5 virtual community conversations this spring for community engagement to shape the 2023 city budget.
Led by the Office of Financial Services in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office, these 5 virtual community conversations will be held on Microsoft Teams, will be free, and open to the public. Community members interested in participating can register here. Upcoming dates below:
- Tuesday, May 24 – 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, June 2 – 6:30-7:30 p.m.
For more information, visit
Mortgage Payment Assistance

If you are behind on your mortgage or worried about foreclosure due to the pandemic, #HomeHelpMN may be able to help. Visit the MN Dept of Housing's website at to see if you’re eligible for assistance.
COVID Testing Options
 The Biden administration is offering a third round of free at-home COVID tests! All households in the US can order their tests for free at