Contact Us
Phone: 651-266-8660
Facebook: NelsieYangWard6
Twitter: @NelsieYangCM
Meet & Greet phone call appointments are available on Thursdays. Register online at
Renter Advisory Council and Renter Forum
 The next Renter Advisory Council / Renter Forum is coming up next Tues, March 29th at 6:30pm at the Hayden Heights Library with the Greater East Side Community Council.
Ben Bildsten from HOMELine will give a tenant’s rights training and there will be time for renters to talk about their issues, connect with one another on the experiences of renting on the greater east side, and discuss how to advance East Side tenant power.
Renters who live in the Greater East Side ( are eligible for a $30 stipend for attending. There will also be meals provided by the Sanneh foundation.
Garbage Advisory Committee Survey
 Give your feedback about your St Paul garbage hauler experience! The St Paul Garbage Advisory Committee wants to hear from you. Fill out the Advisory Committee Feedback survey at
The Saint Paul Garbage Advisory Committee will advise the Department of Public Works staff who will report to the Mayor and City Council on future solid waste policies and programs, ensuring that the needs and challenges of the City’s residents are considered. The current Agreement with the Saint Paul Haulers Consortium ends on September 30, 2023. More at
Help envision the future River Learning Center
 Help the City of Saint Paul and Great River Passage Conservancy envision the future River Learning Center – a city-led project that will serve as a national gateway to the Mississippi River, with a National Park Service Headquarters and year-round outdoor recreation experiences. Learn more about this innovative community resource and share your thoughts on Thursday, April 14 from 7-8 p.m. at the next virtual community meeting.
Year Round STAR Grants
 Do you own a business or run a non-profit in St Paul's 6th Ward? Are you in need of funding for a time-sensitive building repair or improvement?
You may be eligible for a Year-Round STAR Grant from Ward 6. Please email our office at with information on your project and to receive an application.
Applications are subject to approval from the St Paul STAR Board and St Paul City Council. Funding is given as reimbursement for approved expenses, up to $15,000 per project per year.
Pothole Patching

The snow is melting and that means POTHOLES. Please help get potholes filled faster by reporting them as soon as you see them! To report, call the 24/7 street maintenance line at 651-266-9700 or email
Masks Welcome, but Not Required

Mayor Carter has lifted the masking requirement for staff and visitors in City-controlled facilities. Face masks are welcome and will be available for anyone wishing to wear one. Visit the COVID-19 Updates webpage for the latest information.
COVID Resources
 COVID Community Coordinators (CCCs) are community-based organizations that connect Minnesota’s diverse communities to COVID testing, vaccination, and other resources. Coordinators help community members find and get critical resources to deal with health concerns, as well as employment, food access, housing, child care, and legal rights. Search for a COVID Community Coordinator that fits your needs.
You can order a second set of FREE at-home Covid-19 rapid antigen tests from the federal government at or by calling 1-800-232-0233.
These COVID-19 testing sites are free and open to everyone who believes they need to be tested, with or without symptoms. Additional testing locations are open throughout the state.
All Minnesotans are eligible for their COVID-19 booster shot. Make your appointment.