Electric Vehicle Charging Network
 Photo credit: Sam Holt Images
This week, Saint Paul and Minneapolis are launching the EV Spot Network (www.evspotnetwork.org), a system of 100% renewably powered on-street EV Spots that can be used to charge both private electric vehicles, as well as the new Evie Carshare vehicles (www.eviecarshare.com).
The EV Spot Network is a system of curbside EV Spots within a 35-square-mile service area in Saint Paul and Minneapolis that offer the public access to electric vehicle charging for both private vehicles and a new publicly operated community carshare service called Evie Carshare. Each EV Spot Charging location has two dedicated parking spaces for personal vehicles and two spaces for Evies.
The EV Spot Network began operations on February 2, 2022, with its first EV Spot locations available for public use at:
- Sherburne & Dale Street (Saint Paul)
- Margaret Street & E 7thStreet (Saint Paul)
- Colfax & Hennepin Avenue (Minneapolis)
- Chicago & Franklin Avenue (Minneapolis)
- 13thAvenue SE & 4th Street SE (Minneapolis)
By the time all 70 EV Spot Charging locations are installed and activated, it will increase the number of public charging ports in the Twin Cities by 50%. EV Spots will be located from Saint Paul’s West Side to East Side, and in North Minneapolis to South Minneapolis, and many other neighborhoods in the two cities.
A map of all 70 EV Spot Charging locations can be found online here. As locations get installed and become operational, users can find active EV Spots at www.plugshare.com. The EV Spot Network should be fully-operational by fall 2022.
This is the nation’s largest publicly owned electric vehicle initiative to date. The public-private partnership includes renewable electric infrastructure provided by Xcel Energy, a carshare fleet leased by the City of Saint Paul, and Evie Carshare operated by local nonprofit HOURCAR. This work is also supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality dollars granted by the Metropolitan Council’s Regional Solicitation process. A variety of other philanthropies and agencies supported the planning and community involvement that helped design and advance the EV Spot Network and Evie Carshare.
To learn more about the EV Spot Network, visit www.EVSpotNetwork.com.
Capital Improvement Budget Input
 Starting this week, community members can learn about the Capital Improvement Budget process, and the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, along with submitting their capital project ideas at engagestpaul.org/CIB2022.
Virtual information sessions open to the public about the 2022 CIB process and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and will be held at these times:
February 9 at 9:00AM
February 17 at 6:00PM
Those interested in attending can RSVP by emailing CIB-Proposals@ci.stpaul.mn.us. Project ideas will be accepted through February 15. Full applications for project proposals will be accepted until March 25. The City’s Capital Improvement Budget Committee will review ideas and make a funding recommendation to the Mayor in June.
The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) funds the construction and maintenance of City infrastructure such as streets, bridges, libraries, parks, recreation centers, and other public facilities. Recommendations for the CIB budget are made by the Capital Improvement Budget Committee and approved annually by the Mayor and City Council.
Starting today, community members can learn about the Capital Improvement Budget process, and the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, along with submitting their capital project ideas at engagestpaul.org/CIB2022.
Virtual information sessions open to the public about the 2022 CIB process and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and will be held at these times:
February 9 at 9:00AM
February 17 at 6:00PM
Those interested in attending can RSVP by emailing CIB-Proposals@ci.stpaul.mn.us. Project ideas will be accepted through February 15. Full applications for project proposals will be accepted until March 25. The City’s Capital Improvement Budget Committee will review ideas and make a funding recommendation to the Mayor in June.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is an approach to public safety that focuses on designing buildings and public spaces to help discourage criminal activity. CPTED aims to make public spaces more visible, create natural ways to safely access outdoor spaces and buildings, create natural separation between public and private spaces, and make public spaces more welcoming and accessible for all users.
More information about the 2022 Capital Improvement Budget Process, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and how to submit project ideas is available at engagestpaul.org/CIB2022.
Winter Carnival Fun!
 The Saint Paul Winter Carnival is in full swing! January 28th-February 6th. Stop by Rice Park in downtown to see the beautiful ice sculptures. There are also Vulcan snow sculptures for viewing at the State Fair Grounds. For a full calendar of Winter Carnival Events, visit www.wintercarnival.com/calendar. For daily updates, follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/stpaulwinter.
New Higher Education Financial Aid Webinar Series to Launch in February
The Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE), Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), ECMC’s The College Place Minnesota, and Minnesota Goes to College are launching a series of financial aid webinars for students and families as they prepare for the college-going process.
All sessions will have simultaneous interpretation in Español/Spanish, Hmoob/Hmong, and Soomaali/Somali. Participants who attend 4 out of 5 sessions will be eligible to win a $500 scholarship.
The series, which runs February 8, 2022 through March 1, 2022 will focus on a variety of topics, including general financial aid information, details on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Minnesota Dream Act for undocumented students, and other ways to pay for college. Webinar registration is available online.
Be a Right Track Employer!
 Business leaders: Help cultivate Saint Paul’s future workforce. The workforce of the future will be made up of young, diverse talent – and Right Track, the City of Saint Paul’s official youth employment and training program, can help connect you! Regardless of the industry or organizational structure, your company will truly benefit from mentoring Saint Paul youth. Employer applications to host a Saint Paul intern for 2022 are now open! Learn more and reach out to Shaina Abraham at shaina.abraham@ci.stpaul.mn.us to get started on investing in our collective future today.
1-4 Unit Housing Zoning Changes

Join City staff, District Council representatives, and residents at the upcoming virtual engagement sessions to share input for Phase 2 of the 1-4 Unit Housing Study! Two more sessions remain: 6:30 pm February 10 (Thurs), and 6:30 pm March 2 (Wed).
This study is exploring the potential to create more neighborhood-scale housing types that are missing across the city.
Attendees will see a presentation on the study and take part in small group discussions on neighborhood-scale housing types and potential opportunities for the City to add more housing.
For a link to attend the virtual meeting and to learn more, visit www.EngageStPaul.org/1to4HousingStudy.
Affordable Connectivity Program
 Are you in need of internet service? You may qualify for FREE or reduced-cost internet service through the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). https://www.fcc.gov/acp Households may qualify if you're eligible for public assistance programs such as the Federal Pell Grant, National School Lunch Program, SNAP, Medicaid and Housing Assistance. Apply at https://acpbenefit.org!