Outdoor Water Use Restrictions Now in Effect Due to Drought
 This week, Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) announced we're moving on to the next stage of our drought response, from requested odd/even watering with time limitations to required* odd/even watering with time restrictions:
Odd/Even Watering: If your address is odd-numbered, water on odd-numbered days of the month. If your address is even-numbered, water on even-numbered days of the month. (Ex: 123 Case Ave should water on odd-numbered days of the month, with 124 Case Ave watering on even numbered days of the month)
Watering Time Restrictions: Outdoor watering can only take place before noon or after 6 p.m. any day.
Exceptions: Commercial uses of outdoor water, including nurseries or community gardens. New sod or seed can be watered if daily watering is required. It is recommended that any planting of new sod or seeds be delayed until the fall or until drought conditions subside. Trees may be watered with a dripping hose, bucket, or tree watering bag as needed.
Effective Friday, August 20, enforcement response for non-compliance of any of the above mandated restrictions will be as follows:
1. First violation – Educational notice
2. Second violation – Written warning
3. Third violation – $50
4. Fourth violation – $100
5. Fifth and all additional violations - $150 plus water shut off to the property
6. (There is a $50 turn off fee once the water is shut off.)
Want to learn about our state's current drought conditions? Need some water conservation tips that will help your plants? Visit SPRWS's website.
Servicios de agua de la región de Saint Paul anuncia restricciones de riego en medio de las condiciones de sequía en curso
Kev Tshaj Tawm Txog Tej Kev Txwv Txiav Ywg Dej Hauv Ib Cheeb Tsam Saint Paul
St Paul Eliminates Parking Minimums for New Developments

City Council voted this week to eliminate parking minimums in St Paul, and I’m in full support of it!
There are many buildings in Saint Paul with excess parking spaces that take up a lot of land and remain largely unused. Studies have shown that empty parking spaces don’t add value to our community. Instead, they push homes and businesses further apart, and they create a cost barrier to expanding businesses and creating affordable housing. By eliminating parking requirements, we allow more space for businesses and infrastructure. Space that would have gone to extra parking can instead be used for housing. Eliminating parking minimums means we will still have parking. What new parking we build will be intentional, based on need.
With this vote, I am hopeful our city will move forward in creating opportunities for housing, small businesses, community projects, and environmental justice.
Local COVID-19 Testing Options
How to get a free COVID-19 test:
COVID-19 Vaccinations
 Get Your COVID-19 Shot. Get $100! Free childcare for your appointment is available!
People in Minnesota 12 years of age and older who receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible for a $100 Visa gift card to spend however they choose. This incentive program ends Sunday, August 22. People experiencing homelessness and staff working in settings supporting them are eligible.
People can request their reward through Sunday, August 22. Reward requests must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, August 22, 2021. Vaccination will be subject to verification by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
To get vaccinated, you can:
- Walk in or make an appointment through the Vaccine Connector at vaccineconnector.mn.gov.
- Call the MDH COVID-19 Public Hotline at 1.833.431.2053, Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Use the state’s Vaccine Locator Map to find a vaccine provider near you at mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/find-vaccine.
- Contact your primary health care provider or a local pharmacy.
- Employers may also reach out with information about vaccination opportunities.
Anyone who gets their first dose between Friday, July 30 and Sunday, August 22 can visit mn.gov/covid19/100 to claim their reward. When you get your shot and claim your reward, you must provide the same address where you can receive mail; it does not have to be a permanent address.
The incentive information, and a link to register for the vaccine, is also available in Hmong, Oromo, Soomaali/Somali, and Español/Spanish.
Free Child Care for Those Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
Four childcare providers- Bright Horizons, KinderCare, Learning Care Group, and the YMCA - are continuing to provide free drop in child care for parents and caregivers getting vaccinated through Labor Day (September 6).
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has shareable flyers to promote the free child care service in English and Español/Spanish.