What's Happening at Saint Paul Parks and Recreation

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What's Happening

The latest news and activities from Saint Paul Parks and Recreation.

Water Aerobics

Great River Water Park to Reopen Saturday

We are thrilled to announce Great River Water Park will reopen to the public for lap swim and water aerobics starting Saturday, October 3. Advance reservations are required and CDC and MN Public Health guidelines will be in place. Some activities, amenities, and features are not yet available at this time. Visit the Great River Water Park website for reservations and full details. 

Three children on a swing at Western Sculpture Park

MEA Out of School Time Programs 

MEA for SPPS is October 15-16. Saint Paul Parks and Recreation will offer full and half-day programs at recreation centers across the city to keep youth stay active and engaged during this time. Programs will adhere to CDC and MN Department of Health guidance on COVID-19.


Fall  & Halloween Events

Halloween will look a bit different this year but Saint Paul Parks and Recreation and our partners are finding alternative, fun, and safe ways to celebrate the fall season! Events are free unless otherwise noted. Some events require registration in advance. All events will adhere to the CDC and MN Department of Health guidance on COVID-19. 

In-Person Events

Virtual Fall events

Youth basketball players

Winter Youth Basketball Registration

Registration for winter youth basketball runs through October 12. Programs will adhere to MSHSL, CDC and MN Department of Health guidance on COVID-19. For more information, visit the youth winter basketball website. 

City House End of Season Soiree Oct 3, 11am-9pm. Wine, beer, and food only $3.

Apply for the Parks and Recreation Commission

Do you live in Saint Paul and have an interest in our Parks and Recreation programs and facilities? Consider applying to be part of the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission! Learn more or apply today at stpaul.gov/parkscommission.

Park visitors walk around the lake

National Public Lands Day

Tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 26, is National Public Lands Day. While we won't be hosting a large in-person event this year, you can still celebrate! Visit stpaul.gov/NPLD to browse self-led activities or plan your own adventure. Pick a park and explore!

Rec center employee distributing meals for families

Free Meals and Produce Distribution

To address growing food insecurity in Saint Paul due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is partnering with Youthprise, Arts-Us, and the Sanneh Foundation to provide free meal service to Saint Paul families in need. Visit stpaul.gov/freemeals for meal distribution information. Visit the Sanneh Foundation website for information on free produce distribution

For updates and information on our COVID-19 response, visit stpaul.gov/parks-covid19