Energize Saint Paul News: Energy Benchmarking


In this issue of Energize Saint Paul News:

Energize Saint Paul's Race to Reduce

Mayor Carter Announces Energize Saint Paul

On May 30th, Mayor Melvin Carter kicked off Energize Saint Paul and the Race to Reduce with a press conference at the Securian 400 building - making it clear that energy efficiency is a priority for the City, building owners, and Energize Saint Paul partners. Read more about the press conference in the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press.

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press conf
Julio Fesser (Securian Financial), Mayor Melvin Carter, Council President Amy Brendmoen, Clint Blaiser (Halverson and Blaiser Group, Ltd. and BOMA), and Molly Janis Smith (City of Saint Paul) announcing the start of Energize Saint Paul. Photo Credit: Savannah Simms.

Join the Race to Reduce!

Registration is now open to join the Race to Reduce! The Race to Reduce is a summer program focused on saving buildings money through energy efficient operations. To sign up, fill out this participation form. Contact Lauren.Weber@ci.stpaul.mn.us with questions. 

sign up

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Race to Reduce Webinar

Intro to Energy Benchmarking

Join the City of Saint Paul on June 26th from 10 - 11 AM to learn how to compare your building’s energy usage to similar buildings using EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a free web-based tool. You will also learn how benchmarking is the first step to improved comfort and cost savings in our summer program, the Race to Reduce. You’ll have a chance to meet our program staff, receive a step-by-step guide to benchmarking at the end of our training, receive information on who to call for assistance, and have time for questions and discussion. Sign up for this free event today to start saving money and energy in your building!

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Energy Benchmarking Resources

energy star

Ready to Benchmark?

To start saving money and energy by benchmarking your property, use the EPA’s free online tool, ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. This quick-start guide, which includes a data collection worksheet and training resources, will assist with setting up a property in Portfolio Manager, creating meters, and entering your energy and water data.

Let Xcel Energy Work For You - How to Utilize Its Benchmarking Services

Heads up, Xcel Energy customers! Using the Energy Benchmarking Services User Guide, you can set up your Portfolio Manager and Xcel Energy accounts to work together - which means less data entry for you. Xcel Energy will automatically enter your energy data from the past 18 months, and continue to update with your most recent bills.


benchmarking next steps

So You’ve Benchmarked - Now What?

Benchmarking is only the first step toward achieving energy efficiency. Next, you can consider an energy audit or assessment to learn more about your most effective options. Check out this guide or use this free online assessment tool from Xcel Energy.

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Quick Tips for an Efficient Summer

Easy Fixes for Your Facility 

Short on time, but looking for a way to increase efficiency in your building with a central heating plant or facility with thermal distribution? The U.S. Department of Energy provides a facility energy checklist - so you can save time and money on your building’s operations.

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ENERGY STAR Score Updates

On August 26th, the EPA will be updating their ENERGY STAR score metrics. ENERGY STAR scores are based on your building's energy performance relative to similar buildings, so with more market data and a growing stock of efficient buildings, scores on average will go down. Read more about the changes on the EPA's website. 

If you would like to certify your building with ENERGY STAR for 2018 based on your current ENERGY STAR score, you must do so before July 26th. We recommend applying for certification before July 26th if your ENERGY STAR score is close to 75, as your eligibility could change once the scores update. 

score updates

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Events and Resources

Upcoming Events 

June 19th - EPA Webinar: Portfolio Manager 301

June 26th - Race to Reduce Webinar: How to Benchmark 

June 26th - FacilitiesNet Webinar: Improve Energy Efficiency for a Better Learning Environment

Office Hours

Need help with Portfolio Manager? Have benchmarking questions? 

Call 651-266-6656 during Energize Saint Paul's office hours, from 1 - 5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can also call the helpline at any time and leave a message - we will follow up with you as soon as possible. 

Useful Links

Energize Saint Paul

ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

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