Stearns County Parks and Trails Master Plan

Share your thoughts!

Stearns County is seeking input on a plan that will guide future investments in the County’s parks,  trails, and recreation for the next 10 to 20 years.

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Stearns County is home to  160,000 residents that reside in  30 cities and 34 townships. The  County’s parks and trails provide  local and regional facilities that  cater to users from across the  county and outside the county.

The County’s recreation facilities are outdoor and nature-oriented, focusing on water access, hiking,  biking, ski trails, picnicking, fishing, nature viewing, and other non-city recreation. The County  partners with many user groups, as well as other local, state, federal, non-profit, and private groups  to enhance parks, trails and provide recreation programs and services.

map of county with parks highlighted