Downtown News - June 2013

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JUNE 2013

Farmers Market

Renton Farmers Market opens for the season at 3 pm on Tuesday, June 4

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Welcome to the Downtown News

Downtown Renton is the City's eclectic, historic and artistic center.  Whether you are looking for a one-of-a-kind shopping or dining experience, urban living opportunities or enjoying Downtown's amenities — Downtown Renton has something for you.  This monthly newsletter keeps you informed about what’s happening in Downtown (or DTR as it's known to locals) and shares opportunities to become involved in Downtown.  Help us spread the word about Downtown and don't forget to e-mail your news to include in future editions.

Hot Topics...

Downtown Committee meeting, June 5, 8:30 am

Renton Farmers Market opens on Tuesday, June 4, 3 pm

Return to Renton Car Show, July 8, 10 am - 3 pm

Get ready for the Renton River Days Downtown Window Display Contest!