Breakdown of your bill (spoiler: it’s not just water)
Beginning next month, most residential customers will see an increase of about $8.88 per month on their sewer, stormwater, and water bills. The increase comes mainly from investments in critical infrastructure projects, rising operational costs, and construction cost inflation. Visit our website for a detailed breakdown of what your bill pays for and how we can help you lower your bill.
Portland Water takes on Hollywood
Every year, we release our Drinking Water Quality Report to share the juicy details on how we keep your water safe, delicious, and reliable. We get that you’re busy and—unlike us—are probably not going to make the report your next beach read, so we made an official movie trailer with all the key highlights. Not to brag, but this may be the greatest summer blockbuster of all time. Beat that, Barbenheimer.
A look back at Camp Creek Fire
Do you remember last summer and how there was a lightning strike that sparked a fire in the Bull Run Watershed? Oh, okay. Just us then. Well, ever since the Camp Creek Fire, our staff and the US Forest Service have been monitoring impacts of the fire on the forest and our water supply. Staff even put together an interactive journey so viewers can get a behind-the-scenes look at what happened, from the first lightning strike to recovery efforts.
Look, mom. I’m in the news!
The New York Times* toured the Bull Run Watershed to visit the recent Camp Creek Fire burn area, while also learning about climate change impacts and hydropower production. (If you didn’t know, the watershed is home to two powerhouses that can provide ongoing power for about 10,000 homes. No biggie.)
With great power comes great responsibility. That’s why for more than 25 years, we’ve been making important investments to address climate change risks from wildfires, flooding, and other extreme weather events. Check out our climate change response to learn more.
*Small article correction: Our groundwater use has no impact on Columbia River hydropower production.
Pipe it up
Last July, our crews had a dream. A dream to break the record for the number of service lines installed in a year. (Service lines are the pipes that bring water from our large water mains to customer meters, for those who don’t speak water lingo.)
Many called it a pipe dream. But our crews know how to lay it down—they recently broke the record by installing 1,020 total service lines over the past 12 months!
Installing new water pipes is only a fraction of our crews' work. Learn how they work hard to replace and repair old infrastructure, prepare for emergencies, and keep our water flowing.
They see me rollin’
Feeling wheelie sad because you missed last month’s Sunday Parkways? Don’t stress. We’re back again on June 16 with our hydration station, free water-saving devices, and other Portland Water swag! Roll down the streets in this family-friendly bike ride in Northeast Cully.
Will you be my prom date?
Our employees share deep bonds with their work. Some may say too deep. Check out the looks our staff were serving with their prom dates at Enchanted Bull Run.
Portland Water meets Super Smash Bros.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some pretend to be video game characters. Last month we celebrated National Public Works Week by highlighting just a few of the 600+ employees who serve their community by helping to deliver pristine water to your tap.
Need helping paying your bill?
Contact us and we'll work with you to help manage your bill.