"Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." John Muir
Waste Matters Community Calendar Fill your summer with green events! We know you care about the environment and waste reduction, and it's great to connect with others. Feel free to use this calendar to stay connected to the events around you and don't forget to share it with others as well.
Free Repair Clinic Bring your malfunctioning electrical devices & computers for free help and advice on Saturday Aug. 3 from 10am to 2pm. Green Gecko IT is hosting this event, and it is located 45th Parallel, 2195 Hyacinth St NE Suite 193, Salem. Contact them if you'd like to volunteer.
Master Recyclers Only Event
Mix and Mingle at Pringle
Tuesday, July 30 Pringle Creek Community 3911 Village Center Dr SE, Salem, OR 97302
Master Recyclers are invited to Mingle at Pringle training and potluck. Like all Master Recycler events, you'll learn about the newest happenings in the 3R world while eating with your Master Recycler friends, win a cool raffle item, and tour parts of the Pringle Creek Community.
As there is a training side to this event, we ask that you leave the kids at home. An adult plus one is welcome.
A Final Message from Bailey
It’s always easy for me to remember when I began working for Marion County because it was on my 29th birthday, over 17 years ago. I’d just been married and we were weeks away from buying our first house. Since then, we’ve had two kids, had family members pass away and others born, and picked up a few grey hairs along the way. Life continues to evolve, as has my career.
The newest chapter in my life is that I’m going to be working for the Corvallis School District as a Sustainability Specialist. It’s a wonderful opportunity for my family and me because my wife also works for the school district and my kids are starting 3rd and 6th grades. I haven’t worked in the same town that I’ve lived for 20 years so I’m looking forward to being able to ride my bike to work! My role will be to implement the district’s new sustainability plan. It will involve helping to integrate green building designs into the numerous schools that are getting rebuilt or remodeled, working to connect the very active environmental community in town with service-learning opportunities, connecting natural resource agencies with teachers and getting all of the schools certified in the Oregon Green Schools program. I’m going to be busy!
One of the things that I’ve most appreciated about working here is how much it changes. When I first started, my time was largely spent on coordinating our advertising, managing the Composters at Cost program and coordinating some of our recycling programs like fluorescent lights, paint, batteries and electronics. In more recent years, I worked with Alan on the EarthWISE program which was one of my favorite programs and one that I believe continues to be key.
Throughout all these years, I’ve always been able to work with the Master Recycler program and schools. The work with schools will obviously continue for me but I will greatly miss the community of Master Recyclers that I’ve gotten to know over the years. Since I started with Marion County, there have been 570 people take the Master Recycler class and it was truly an honor to be able to work with so many inspiring people. The network of Master Recyclers and EarthWISE businesses are the backbone of our programs and what has made the work so successful and fun.
Marion County has been such a wonderful place to work and I am really proud of what we’ve accomplished. By “we” I mean not only my colleagues but you, the larger community with whom I’ve been able to work. As Robert Plant sang, “I’m goin’ to Corvallis with an achin’ in my heart.” Well, maybe that’s not quite the exact lyric but it is with very mixed emotions that I’m leaving Marion County. I will miss you and I imagine that I’ll still get to work with many of you since my new position will be very much related to the work that will continue to happen here. Thank you!
We have been honored to work with Bailey who has served the public with his passion, knowlege, and amazing work ethic for over 17 years. If you want to hear more about Bailey's tremendous work and history with Marion County, check out his exit interview on Waste Matters on the Air which is available to stream online or download the podcast.

Wednesday, September 18
4-7pm Pringle Creek Park | Pringle Hall Community Center 606 Church St SE, Salem
Got something broken? Bring it (along with any needed parts) to the Repair Fair, and we'll hook you up with a fixer!
Small appliances (no microwaves or cd-players please) 2 Tools or knives to sharpen Textiles Computers Jewelry Repair Stringed Instruments Bikes
The Repair Fair & Share is a collective of volunteers who join together to fix broken items, teach valuable repair skills, and learn from listening and doing. The community benefits by making connections, learning skills, reducing waste, and saving money. We welcome fixers, tinkerers, and supporters.
Currently we are looking for another textile repair person, and a bike person or two. If you can help, please contact Jessica Ramey (503.365.3180), jsramey@co.marion.or.us.
Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 1 PM – 5 PM Bush Pasture Park High and Leffelle St (SW side of the Park)
Please bring clean, useable items. Please sort by size. As you arrive, place your unwanted items into the appropriate places, and then feel free to "shop" for anything you want or need. All left overs will be donated. It will be first come takes it, but please use kindness with others. Please refold items and keep them sorted by size etc.
Now Announcing open enrollement for the 2019 Fall Master Recycler Program! Join the team of over 750 Master Recyclers to learn more about sustainability, waste reduction, and save resources.
As Seen on Social Media

Don't Throw It Away - by Keb' Mo' with Taj Mahal

Instead of purchasing new jars for food storage, simply reuse any jar you bring into your home. Here are some tips to help tackle those pesky smells.

Couple expands industrial bungalow with salvaged materials.

Closing the Loop Report How Innovators from the Public and Private Sector are Creating Value from Waste
GLEAN 2019 Exhibition August 1-25, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays Noon to 5PM
Proposals are now being accepted for grants awarded through DEQ’s Materials Management Program.