“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein, Physicist
Waste Matters Community Calendar Fill your spring with green events! We know you care about the environment and waste reduction, and it's great to connect with others. Feel free to use this calendar to stay connected to the events around you and don't forget to share it with others as well.
Art & Craft Supply Swap Saturday, March 30, 2019 Salem Public Library 1 p.m. Swappers with tickets admitted 2 p.m. General Public
Local artists and crafters are invited to bring in their surplus to trade with other creative individuals.
Earth Day at the Oregon Garden
April 20, 10am to 4pm Free Admission
Enjoy educational exhibits, musical performances, food and more at Earth Day, presented by Marion County, Oregon, at The Oregon Garden!
PARKING: Parking costs $5 at The Oregon Garden, but free shuttles are available from the gravel lot between Roth’s Fresh Markets and Ratchet Brewery (990 N First St. Silverton, OR - old Seven Brides). The free park and walk lot is located at Robert Frost Elementary (201 Westfield St. Silverton, OR).
Thank you to our sponsors! Marion County Environmental Services, Oregon Department of Energy, LeafFilter Gutter Protection, Salem Sign Co. Inc, Renewal by Andersen Window Replacement, Budget Dumpster, K2Creative
Suffering from FOMO?
If you have a Fear Of Missing Out, don't worry we got you covered! Last Wednesday over 150 people attended the EarthWISE Sustainability Luncheon. We learned more about Materials Management from Elaine Blatt the Senior Policy and Program Analyst at Oregon DEQ and handed out 2019 Green Awards. Many thanks to CCTV for recording the event so you can watch the program too. And be sure to check out the fun photos from the event as well.
Take the Reduce Reuse Challenge
March's challenge is to reduce/reuse disposable coffee cups. Submit your photos of how you reduce or reuse them by March 20, 2019.
The entry with the most likes on facebook by 7am, March 29, 2019 will win a $25 gift card to LifeSource and waste reduction bragging rights.

Consumption Art Exhibit
Exhibit, February 28 - March 17 Bush Barn Art Center | 600 Mission St SE, Salem, OR 97302
Explore the complexities of consumption and how our everyday choices impact the environment. Through the use of augmented reality, you’ll discover the value of reduction and the true cost of consumerism through a digital lens. The exhibit includes multimedia work by Jessica Ramey, High School Art Mentorship Program Students, and programming by Jason Ramey with sponsorship from Marion County Environmental Services.
This exhibit includes Easter eggs that can be discovered through an augmented reality application. Bring your tablet or cell phone and download the application to watch artwork come to life at the exhibit.
DIY Toothpaste | Waste Less Workshop
April 10, 6:30 PM Fresh Start Market- Salem
Learn how to make DIY toothpaste. We'll chat about other waste prevention tips and you'll leave with your own minty-fresh toothpaste! This is a FREE event, however, we only have 35 spots and want to make sure we have enough supplies. To attend, please RSVP.
Master Recyclers Volunteers Needed
Oregon Green Schools Summit at the Oregon Garden in Silverton
Thursday, April 4: 8:00 - 3:00 (flexible shifts) The Summit is an opportunity for students from across the state to convene for a day of celebration, learning and networking. At the summit, we celebrate the accomplishments of each school and to provide opportunities to strengthen programs. Master Recyclers are needed to help direct students between sessions, set up tables, clean up, register schools and/or assist presenters at the Oregon Green Schools Summit. If you are available to help, please contact Bailey.
Master Recyclers Interest List
Over 750 volunteers participate in the Master Recycler program and we'd love to help connect everyone. Please fill out the interest form and we'll share your contact info and provide a few opportunities for you to connect with fellow Master Recyclers in person!
Master Recyclers Volunteers Needed
Art & Crafts Swap
Friday, March 29, 12:30-3:30pm Sort and Set up Saturday, March 30 11am-1:30pm Sort and Set up Saturday, March 30, 1-4pm Sort and Clean up
We are thrilled that the Salem Public Library is hosting another Art & Craft Supply Swap and we are seeking Master Recycler volunteers! Sign up if you can help out.
Master Recyclers Volunteers Needed
Earth Day at The Oregon Garden
Saturday, April 20, 10-1pm (5 available) Saturday, April 20, 1-4pm (5 available)
Master Recycler volunteers are needed for the upcoming Earth Day event. Will it be you? If so, you'll be involved in a variety of outreach activities such as helping at our craft table, explaining the 3R's at our newest Earth Day booth display, or assisting folks who want to learn more about composting at home. Call Alan 503.365.3188 or email him by clicking on the volunteer button below.
Waste Matters Podcast Check out the latest episodes of Waste Matters on the Air. Learn about Silver Falls Sustainability and their zero waste personal care product line that now spans from coast to coast and hear how the Right to Repair bill impacts consumers, small farmers, and the health industry.
Reuse Bags The average American goes through six shopping bags per week. That breaks down to 1.8 billion bags used and discarded in America every week. All of that trash adds up. Watch Rachel, Stephanie, and Jessica share their personal reusable bag favorites in this video.