If you're having trouble viewing this message, please visit my legislative web page at http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/prozanski/, click on "News" in the lower left-hand column and scroll down.
Dear friends,
The 2019 Oregon Legislative Session came to a tumultuous end on Sunday, June 30 (which was the constitutional sine die — day of adornment). As was widely reported in local, national and international media, the Senate Republicans "walked out" from June 20 until June 29, preventing a necessary quorum for the Senate to conduct business. They returned only after HB 2020, the Clean Energy Jobs Bill, was pronounced "dead" for the session. It must be noted that the bill was declared "dead" on Tuesday, June 25, but the Senate Republicans did not return to work at the Capitol until three days later, on June 29. That left us with only a weekend to consider approximately 140 bills.
I supported HB 2020 and voted "no" when a motion was made to refer the bill back to committee where it died. No matter whether you supported or opposed HB 2020, we should all be concerned when a minority party — Republican, Democrat or otherwise — can halt the legislative process simply by denying a quorum to conduct business. This tactic is a direct assault on our legislative branch of government. I served in the minority for seven years and not once did I deny the majority party a quorum, let alone because I didn't get my way on a policy question!
We cannot allow this tactic to become the new norm; it would destroy our democratic form of government. Oregon is one of four states that requires a legislative chamber to have two-thirds of its members in attendance to establish a quorum. The vast majority of states allow for a quorum by simple majority — a more reasonable and practicable requirement. Expect to see a constitutional referral in 2020 asking Oregonians to adopt the simple majority model used by 44 states to establish a quorum to conduct legislative business. It is imperative that we adopt this change to Oregon's Constitution to ensure a minority party can't run the clock out since strict timelines are now in place for legislative sessions. (Prior to 2011, Oregon did not have time limits on the length of legislative sessions. So when the House Democrats — minority party then — staged a walkout in 2001, the House Republicans were able to wait them out and continue the session work without worrying about running out of time.)
Despite the defeat of Clean Energy Jobs, I'm pleased to report that we were successful in securing $1.3 million in state funding to keep open the Leaburg Fish Hatchery. Thank you to all the community members who made your voices heard at the Capitol to speak to just how important the hatchery is to the McKenzie River Valley community! Plus, a big shout-out to Rep. Cedric Hayden for his tireless effort to help secure the funding. An additional $15 million was secured to help the Eugene Family YMCA replace its crowded, aging facility.
I will include a more extensive session summary in future e-bulletins.
It was my pleasure to welcome numerous Senate District 4 school and community groups to the Capitol during session. (The photo below is a picture of Oakland Elementary School students, staff and parents.) If you or your group have plans to visit the Capitol, even during the interim when the Legislature is not in session, please give me a heads up so my staff can help make arrangements.

Below you will find information on:
- OLCC Listening Tour Coming to Eugene and Roseburg - Community Invited to Give Input on Youngs Rock Rigdon Project - Non-emergency Contact for Oregon State Police - Free Smoke Alarm Installation - Local Jurisdictions Awarded Business Oregon Loans for Water Infrastructure - Bohemia Mining Days: July 18-20 - Lane County Fair: July 24-28 - Blackberry Jam Festival: July 26-28 - Douglas County Fair: August 6-10
I hope this information is helpful and informative for you or someone you know. As always, feel free to share your comments, questions or concerns with me by phone, mail or e-mail.
Happy Fourth of July!

OLCC Listening Tour Coming to Eugene and Roseburg
This month, members of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) and staff will embark on a series of listening sessions around the state to provide Commissioners with a better understanding of issues and concerns facing the marijuana and wine industries.
The Commission wants to hear from the marijuana industry on: the producer license moratorium (SB 218), exporting, social consumption, and changes to the marijuana program. Commission members want to hear from the wine industry on: the tonnage tax, labeling standards and content, and appointing a rules advisory committee.
The OLCC will hold five listening sessions around the state for the marijuana industry in Eugene on July 30, Ontario on August 6, and in Portland on August 12. The wine industry listening sessions will be held in Ashland on July 18, in Roseburg on July 29, McMinnville on August 1, and Pendleton on August 6. The listening tours provide an opportunity for the Commissioners to interact with licensees and stakeholders.
Senate District 4 Marijuana Industry Listening Session:
Tuesday, July 30, 6-9 p.m. Lane Community College, Center for Meeting and Learning 4000 E. 30th Ave., Eugene 97405
Senate District 4 Wine Industry Listening Session:
Tuesday, July 29, 10 a.m. - noon Douglas County Fairgrounds, Cascade Hall West 2110 Frear St., Roseburg 97471
Register for the OLCC listening tours on the OLCC Eventbrite page at: www.bit.ly/2AGaYUS
Community Invited to Give Input on Youngs Rock Rigdon Project
The U.S. Forest Service is in the initial scoping comment phase for Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the Youngs Rock Rigdon Project, located in the upper Middle Fork Willamette river, about 15 miles southeast of Oakridge. The actions proposed in the project will be presented to the public at the Lowell Grange Hall on Tuesday, July 9, from 4 -7 p.m. Members of the public will have opportunity to comment and ask questions about the specifics of the project with members of the project interdisciplinary team and the Southern Willamette Forest Collaborative.
The Youngs Rock Rigdon project area is approximately 33,000 acres in size. Forest management/restoration treatments are proposed on approximately 6,700 acres within the project area. Commercial harvest treatments includes thinning with gaps. Road work as part of the project would include road maintenance and reconstruction on approximately 160 miles of forest roads, and decommissioning of about 12 miles of roads. Fuel treatments, aquatic and meadow restoration treatments, trail relocation, as well as dispersed site management are also major components of this project.
Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the July 9 meeting to discuss the project. People who are unable to attend the meeting but are interested in asking questions, proposing alternatives or submitting comments can contact the project lead: Jonathan Tucker (NEPA planner) at 541-782-5346 or jonathan.tucker@usda.gov.
More details about each project are available on the Forest Service website: fs.usda.gov/Willamette, under Land & Resource Management, and Projects. This project follows the National Environmental Policy Act, which seeks public input.
Non-emergency Contact for Oregon State Police
Many of us have witnessed or experienced situations that don't rise to the level of a 911 call but nevertheless could benefit from law enforcement involvement. But how many of us can remember the non-emergency police response phone number?
With a new program from the Oregon State Police, there's no need to memorize long numbers. By simply dialing *OSP, you will automatically be connected to the nearest non-emergency assistance — no matter where you are in Oregon.
Free Smoke Alarm Installation
For those without smoke alarms or in need of assistance with replacing them, the Oregon State Fire Marshall has partnered with the American Red Cross to help with installation. Simply contact the Red Cross using one of the methods below and volunteers will assist you in making sure your home is properly equipped –—at no cost!
1. Call: 503-528-5783 2. Online: www.redcross.org/GetAnAlarm 3. E-mail: preparedness@redcross.org
Local Jurisdictions Awarded Business Oregon Loans for Water Infrastructure
The City of Sutherlin was awarded a Business Oregon Loan for nonpareil water treatment plant improvements. The Row River Valley Water District received a Business Oregon Loan for a sustainable water infrastructure planning project. Both projects will benefit local communities. Congratulations!
Bohemia Mining Days: July 18-20
Bohemia Mining Days celebrates Cottage Grove's colorful history. The family-friendly festival is organized by a board of community-minded volunteers who work closely with the festival coordinator throughout the year to ensure this annual summer tradition lives on for future generations to enjoy. It features a carnival, pony rides and much more. More information can be found on Bohemia Mining Days' website: http://bohemiaminingdays.org/.

Lane County Fair: July 24-28
The Lane County Fair features entertainment, food vendors with many different types of fare, rides, games and more. Purchase tickets or get concert information and ride lists along with all the information needed to enter contests and competitions at: http://www.atthefair.com/.

Blackberry Jam Festival: July 26-28
The Blackberry Jam Festival in Lowell is a wholesome, free community event featuring great music, unique crafts and delicious food. Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, the festival makes a great summer weekend trip. More information can be found on the Jam's website: http://www.blackberryjamfestival.com/.

Douglas County Fair: August 6-10
The Douglas County Fair features entertainment, a carnival, food court, livestock and much more for all ages. Visit the official Douglas County Fair website at: http://www.co.douglas.or.us/dcfair/fair/.
