Hello friends and neighbors,
We are now over a month into the Session, and the time sure does fly! I love the energy of Session, and the dedicated activists and citizens that engage in the process. It is busy down here in Salem, but it is never dull. Please call our office with any questions or comments you might have this session. I want to hear from you!
HCR 18: HCR 18 was on the Senate floor for third reading and passed unanimously. I’m happy that it has made it’s way along through both chambers! The resolution establishes March 3rd as National Speech and Debate Education Day. It will also be a day to recognize and celebrate the young people that are involved with speech and debate. These youth are preparing themselves to be more active, informed, and involved citizens. The recognition of National Speech and Debate day honors the educators and teachers involved in this important area of the curriculum. Speech and debate teaches students to research and examine both sides of an issue. They develop critical thinking skills, speaking and writing skills, and other skills that help prepare them for future careers.
HB 2722: My Homeowners Association (HOA) bill was heard in House Energy and environment. I testified for the bill with Representative Vial. I mentioned my collaborative effort on the bill with the Representative and the HOA in an effort to ensure adequate water for today and the future. I also highlighted that in 2015, the Yamhill area was 17 days away from running out of municipal water for its residents. HB 2722 encourages the HOA and Condominium Owners Associations to adopt landscaping that conserve water. Water is one of the most important natural resources and we must take more steps to conserve it.
I addressed the House Committee on Energy and Enviroment on Monday to introduce HB 2722.
HB 2355: I testified in support of the end-profiling bill in House Judiciary alongside Speaker Tina Kotek. I highlighted the listening session we had in Hillsboro, and briefly discussed my meetings with experts, like Ken Barone, from Connecticut, and the success of their system currently in place. I look forward to seeing the bill along to Ways and Means Committee.
HB 2720: My virtual public charter School bill was heard in House Education. The bill creates a study that closely examines virtual public charter schools in order to establish accountability to ensure that all children in Oregon who are educated with public dollars have access to a quality education. It will help us understand the populations these schools serve and how the state could better support all students.
Speaker Kotek and I addressed the House Judiciary committee in favor of HB 2355. Please click the image or go to the link below to watch. My testimony begins 2 minutes and 40 seconds into the video.
HB 2152: The small business support bill is currently in Senate Committee on business and Transportation. This bill allows small business development centers to use state grants for outreach and marketing. It also requires business development centers to work with other state agencies, organizations, and private-sector entities to provide services to small businesses. More than 575,000 individuals have attended workshops and classes sponsored by the Small Business Development Center, and I am looking forward to that number increasing as HB 2152 moves forward.
Environmental Legislation: Water Bills!
HB 2706
Will impose an annual management fee on all primary and supplement water right. The money gained from this management fee will be deposited into the Water Resources Department Water Right Operating Fund, which helps pay for programs and administrative expenses of the Water Resource Commission and Water Resource Department.
HB 2707
Will create an appropriation of money for groundwater studies and investigation. The bill is an attempt to help further understand and assess the availability of groundwater and surface water in Oregon, which will help discover a better way to manage Oregon’s water resources.
Fresh, clean water is in short supply. In order to reduce water waste and save as much water as possible, we should try our best to conserve our water. Water conservation not only keeps it clean and helps conserve the environment, but also saves money, minimizes the effects of water shortage, and ensures that future generations have an adequate water supply.
Joint Committee on Transportation Preservation and Modernization: The co-chairs for the Joint Transportation Preservation and Modernization Committee have appointed four work groups for Committee Members to tackle a specific aspect of transportation policy. They are: (1) Highway and Road Preservation, Maintenance and Seismic Upgrade. (2) Congestion and Freight Mobility, (3) Public Transportation and Public Safety, and (4) Multi-modal Freight. I sit on the Congestion and Freight Mobility Work Group.We are looking for a balanced system to serve both urban and rural areas.
Female legislators had lunch with the Governor today in celebrate International Women's Day
Women’s History Month: This month, we celebrate Women’s History Month and recognize the great leadership and accomplishments of women in Oregon and across the nation! I’ll be celebrating by supporting equal pay for equal work legislation and protecting women’s access to health care through the Reproductive Health Equity Act.
We are proud to feature Maurine Brown Neuberger. Maurine Brown was Oregon’s first and only woman to serve in the United States Senate. Born in Cloverdale, Oregon in 1906, Maurine Brown entered politics as an Oregon state legislature in 1951, advocating for education and women’s rights, and sponsored legislation for consumers. In November 1960, Maurine Brown ran for the U.S. Senate seat and won 54 percent of the votes, serving a full six-year term from 1961 to 1967. As Oregon’s Senator, Maurine Brown continued her consumer advocacy by implementing a successful campaign to regulate tobacco advertising and by challenging the meat-packing industry. She was also involved in developing and co-sponsoring a resolution for an equal rights amendment that promoted equal pay for equal work for women and men.
End Profiling Listening Session: Unite Oregon, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, and I co-hosted a listening session to hear from community members on their law enforcement profiling experiences. We heard some truly heartbreaking experiences and some frustrating encounters. The people I met and the stories I heard reminded me that my experiences with law enforcement are influenced by my white privilege. This is unjust, and proves that HB 2355 is necessary to address these issues and build trust between law enforcement and communities of color.
Glencoe’s Speech and Debate: I have been so lucky to continue working with Glencoe High School’s Speech and Debate team as a volunteer. When I left teaching in 2014, I knew I would miss seeing young people grow and blossom into strong, capable adults. I had the opportunity to accompany these students to the Robert Clark Invitational a few weeks ago. The students did great!
Transportation Stories: Oregon Environmental Council: Forest Grove community member, Devon Downeysmith,works with Oregon Environmental Council and has published several stories about how transportation affects the lives of everyday people in the district. Here, you can read about Maggie, a devoted mother who relies on transit to travel to appointments for her disabled son, but also bond with her son and make connections with other parents of disabled children in the community. She has also highlighted the busing situation for the parents and students at W.L Henry in Hillsboro. They testified in House Education Committee last month, and their stories are detailed in the article. Please see the Oregon Environmental Council’s webpage for other updates.Thank you Devon for sharing your publications!
I was able to meet with consituents for virtual education day in the Capitol! Thank you to Madison and Jake Heldt, and the O'Rear family for your time.
2017 Women Build Week: Willamette West Habitat for Humanity is holding their annual Women Build Week on the 6th, 9-11th, and 13th of May. Volunteers will be assisting in construction project to provide housing for a family in need. This project is not exclusive to women, and there is no construction experience necessary! To sign-up for a shift click here. For more information on Women Build Week click here.
Using the Oregon Legislative Information Site (OLIS): If any of you are interested in information about, or status on any particular bill, I encourage you to use OLIS. You are also able to track updates on Committees, including live streaming of hearings, which are archived for your convenience. Most importantly, you can make your voice heard by submitting testimony in support or opposition to a bill. Please view the manual on how to navigate through OLIS here. The URL for OLIS is: <https://olis.leg.state.or.us>.
National Federation of the Blind of Oregon:Last week, our office had a meeting with the National Federation of the Blind of Oregon (NFB). They kindly provided some information on the BELL (Braille Enrichment for Literacy & Learning) Academy, which provides Braille, non-visual and independent living skill instruction for students ages 4-12.The NFB also has a scholarship program for students enrolled in college, trade or technical school. Please follow these links for more information: BELL Academy, NFB Scholarship Prog.
TOMORROW(03/09)! Budget Town Hall: Our state is currently facing a 1.7 billion dollar deficit.There will be difficult decisions ahead, and we need your input. Myself and other Washington County legislators will gather at Beaverton High School to listen to your thoughts and concerns. The doors open at 6:30PM, and I hope you can make it.
Constituent Coffee: Please join me Saturday, March 11th at 10:30 AM at the Shute Library in Hillsboro! I would like to hear your thoughts on senior services and healthcare in Oregon.
Save the date! My April constituent meeting will take place on 4/8 at 1:30 PM at the Forest Grove Library! We will discuss equity in education and racial justice.
If you cannot make these events, I hope to still hear from you. You can call or email me at anytime, (503) 986-1429 and rep.susanmclain@oregonlegislaure.gov.
Yours truly,
Representative Susan McLain
House District 29
email: Rep.SusanMcLain@oregonlegislature.gov I phone: 503-986-1429 address: 900 Court St NE, H-376, Salem, OR 97301 website: http://www.oregonlegislature.gov/mclain