Invitation to Apply for OPS Rules Advisory Committees


Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) will convene Rules Advisory Committees (RACs) this summer to discuss proposed administrative rules related to psilocybin services, including revised requirements for practicum training and implementation of Senate Bill 303. If you are interested in applying to serve on a RAC this year, please read this email and use the attached application.

RAC members provide input on proposed administrative rules before they become effective and are an important part of the rulemaking process. RACs are comprised of individuals who have subject matter expertise, lived experience and who are likely to be affected by the proposed rules. The RAC process is designed to include a diversity of opinions and viewpoints. In addition to providing recommendations, RACs evaluate fiscal and racial impact of the proposed rules.

Each RAC will meet between August 5 and August 16, 2024. Applicants will need to be available during regular business hours during this time. Exact meeting times will be scheduled by the end of July, based on RAC member availability.

If you would like to apply to serve on a RAC, please complete the application form (attached) and e-mail to: by Friday, June 21, 2024.

The Oregon Psilocybin Services Team