Respiratory Therapists and Polysomnographic Technologists Fee Increases – Effective January 1, 2022

Respiratory Therapists and Polysomnographic Technologists Fee Increases – Effective January 1, 2022

The Respiratory Therapist and Polysomnographic Technologists Licensing Board under the Health Licensing Office (HLO) has filed permanent rules with the Oregon Secretary of State on December 7, 2021 to increase fees for the Boards applicants and authorization holders to cover the cost of regulating the professionals and protecting the public.  

Public comment period was open from November 1 to November 29, 2021 at noon. A public hearing was held on Wednesday, November 17, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. On December 2, 2021 the Health Licensing Office considered written public comment and the hearings officer report and concluded to adopt the proposed rules as permanent effective January 1, 2022. 

Health Licensing Office History:

Prior to 2013, the HLO operated as an independent state agency previously known as the Oregon Health Licensing Agency (OHLA). During the 2013 Legislative Session the OHLA was moved under the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), creating the Health Licensing Office (HLO). This changed the indirect costs from funding an independent small agency to being part of the OHA. HLO now contributes to OHA’s and the Public Health Divisions operations, which distributes shared costs among divisions. The move under the OHA increased expenses to all Boards overseen by the HLO, but without an increase in fees to offset the additional costs. Each board pays these shared costs based on the number of authorizations provided by the HLO and the services provided to authorization holders.

 Boards History:

The Respiratory Therapist and Polysomnographic Technologist Licensing Board (Board) renews approximately 2,000 licenses annually. Fees have not increased since March of 2010, and the current fees are no longer adequate to cover costs. In fact, in January 2012, the HLO began offering a discount for respiratory therapists and polysomnographic technologist licensees renewing online as it takes less staff time to process online renewals but stopped offering the discount in December 2019 to address revenue shortfall. Unfortunately, the board's license volume is not showing enough growth to boost revenue to cover expenditures. 

The Board's budget went into a deficit in 2020 and will continue in 2021-23. Without an increase in fees, the HLO would not be able to: 

  • Issue authorizations to applicants in a timely manner;
  • Protect the public from potential health and safety violations;
  • Protect the public from unqualified practitioners;
  • Administer examinations in multiple languages if applicable; and
  • Investigate complaints.

Important Information for Authorization Holders:

If an authorization holder renews an authorization prior to January 1, 2022, they will pay the lower renewal fee. If they renew on or after January 1, 2022, they will pay the higher renewal fee.


For Example:

If a practitioner renews by mail on December 3, 2021, they will pay $50. If a practitioner renews by mail on January 3, 2022, they will pay $100.