95 percent of Oregonians ...

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February 24, 2017

New website highlights impact of Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Oregon

Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) took effect, 95 percent of all Oregonians now have health care coverage. Oregon’s uninsured rate has dropped from 17 percent to 5 percent. Now Congress is debating proposals to repeal the law, as well as transform Medicaid. As the debate unfolds in Washington, D.C., the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Department of Business and Consumer Services (DCBS) developed a new website – 95percentoregon.com --  that provides Oregonians accurate information and personal stories about the impact the ACA has had on families and communities across the state.

95 Percent Oregon image

95percentoregon.com is intended to provide the public and stakeholders with authoritative data to use as they participate in and cover the ongoing debate in Congress to roll back the ACA and Medicaid. The site includes:

  •  Facts and statistics about health coverage (by county and congressional district), consumer protections and economic effects in Oregon that resulted from the ACA.
  • Stories from people throughout the state who share the impact health coverage has made in their lives.
  • Policy recommendations from state officials in response to questions from Congressional leaders.

Facts about the impact of the Affordable Care Act in Oregon

95percentoregon.com includes facts about the far-reaching effects the ACA has had on communities across Oregon, including:

  • Coverage: More than one million Oregonians have coverage through the Marketplace or the Oregon Health Plan (which was expanded through the ACA). Jefferson, Josephine and Malheur counties have the highest levels of ACA-related coverage, with nearly 4 in 10 residents covered through the Marketplace or the Oregon Health Plan (OHP).
  • Under the ACA, fewer Oregonians say that health care is a major reason they need food assistance: The Oregon Food Bank reports the number of people who cited “health care” as a top reason for seeking food assistance dropped in half between 2012 and 2015, following passage of the ACA.
  • ACA protects Oregonians with pre-existing conditions: The ACA protects more than 1.6 million Oregonians who have existing medical conditions from being denied coverage or charged higher premiums by insurers.
  • ACA reduces uncompensated care: The ACA’s coverage expansion saved Oregon hospitals more than $500 million in uncompensated care costs between 2013 and 2015.
  • Jobs grow following ACA: Oregon added 23,300 new health care jobs from 2013 to 2016. The nonprofit Economic Policy Institute estimates Oregon would lose a total of 42,000 jobs if the ACA is repealed. 
  • ACA funds public health: In 2016, Oregon received more than $10 million in federal funds through the ACA for immunization, teen suicide prevention, and other vital public health services. ACA repeal puts these programs at risk.

Stories of Oregonians who gained coverage under the ACA

    OHA 95 Percent Oregon Map

    95percentoregon.com features a “story map” that shows stories of people and families from all parts of the state who have described the difference having health coverage has made on their lives. Here are three:

    • Mel and Kayla (near Lincoln City): Mel is a 90-year-old military veteran who is mostly blind and requires recurring eye surgeries. He recently lost his home to a fire and has severe foot pain. Kayla is Mel’s home visiting provider and checks in on him regularly to ensure that he has what he needs. Kayla is a single mother of four who struggles with severe bipolar disorder. “The Oregon Health Plan is lifesaving for many of us in rural Oregon.”
    • OHP member from La Pine: “A young single mom of two girls came into my office and was able to qualify for OHP because of the income expansion. She had just found out she was diagnosed with cancer for the second time and needed treatment right away. … Not only was her health taking a turn for the worst, but she was going to lose time from work, which was affecting her housing. Not having to worry about paying medical bills was a big relief for her and her children.”
    • Diane, a chiropractor in Portland: As a business owner, Diane had paid for insurance for her employees over her entire career. But during tough times later, she found herself without coverage. It was before the Affordable Care Act, and preexisting conditions meant insurance companies would not sell her a health plan—she was uninsurable. Once the ACA was passed, she bought a plan through the Marketplace. She worries that a repeal of the law would make her uninsurable again. Without insurance, she says, “I could pay for a few doctor’s visits perhaps. But what if something went wrong with one of my hip replacements?”

    95percentoregon.com will be updated with new stories, policy analysis and statistics as Congress continues to debate the possible repeal and replacement of the ACA.


    Legislative update

    The OHA Ways and Means Joint Subcommittee on Human Services budget presentation (HB 5026) continued this week with committee members hearing public testimony, an Oregon State Hospital presentation, and a Hospital Assessment discussion. OHA also provided an overview on Oregon Health Plan financing and Medicaid provider taxes. Watch the recording here, view meeting materials here and the slide deck here. The Public Health Division and PEBB/OEBB are scheduled to present next week, and OHA is scheduled to wrap up the first round of presentations during the first week of March (March 6-10).  

    Earlier this week, the Cover All Kids legislation (HB 2726) had a hearing in the House Health Care and Senate Health Care committees. Governor Brown testified that this legislation continues to be a top priority for her this session.