We've Reached the Finish Line!
It's hard to believe that we started sending project eNewsletters way back in July of 2019 – which makes it even more exciting to share that we've reached the finish line! Key project activities have concluded and a small team is preparing administrative activities to close out the project. OregonBuys is now fully operational and has officially moved from a project to a program.
Looking back, here are some of our key project accomplishments:
- ORPIN was replaced on July 1, 2021,
- State agencies have transitioned to the standardized procure-to-pay system,
- Over 800 Oregon Cooperative Procurement Program (OrCPP) members are using OregonBuys to post notices & solicitations, or search for price agreements to purchase off of,
- State financial systems and Business Oregon COBID certifications have an established interface with OregonBuys,
- 24,902 vendors have registered in OregonBuys,
- System reporting capabilities tied to comprehensive business intelligence will allow for strategic sourcing in the future.
As we close out this final newsletter, we want to thank the countless people who helped us get to the finish line. Staff from participating state agencies, OrCPP members, vendors, and especially our DAS partners – your collaboration over the last several years was integral to the project's success!
OregonBuys: One unified system — modernizing state procurement
 Ongoing System Support is Available
Help desk support is always available to OregonBuys system users. System training materials and guides also remain available online through the links provided below:
State Agencies and OrCPP Member Support
Mon - Fri from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (PDT)
Visit the agency training webpage for self guided courses and instruction guides
Supplier Support
Mon - Fri from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (PDT)
Visit the supplier resources webpage for video tutorials and instruction guides
State Agency Continued Engagement
Moving forward, state agencies can continue to stay in touch with OregonBuys happenings through our monthly Champions User Group meetings. Contact your agency's Designated Procurement Officer or email oregonbuys.info@oregon.gov to get connected.
Also, the OregonBuys Advisory Council will continue to guide the program and the Financial Leadership Council's OregonBuys subgroup will continue to meet.