OregonBuys Project eNewsletter | December 2021 edition
Oregon Department of Administrative Services sent this bulletin at 12/17/2021 08:36 AM PST
Project eNewsletter | December 2021
Project update
As 2021 ends, we're doing some reflecting on project accomplishments from the last 12 months. We know that each success was possible because of collaboration with partners like you. We’re especially proud of the July 2021 transition from ORPIN to OregonBuys. This transition took an immense effort from state agencies and Oregon Cooperative Procurement Program (OrCPP) members — and we want to say how truly grateful we are for your partnership!
Here's how the project team engaged with you in 2021:
The month of December found the project team and agency volunteers concluding enterprise process designs and process validations work. We also collected Wave 1 agency user templates and continued training course development.
We hope the holiday season brings peaceful moments and beautiful memories to you and yours! We look forward to working with you in the new year.
OregonBuys: One unified system — modernizing state procurement
Working with Wave 1 agencies
The Wave 1 agencies shown below will begin engaging with us starting in January. Please contact the agency liaison, Adam Helvey, if you have questions about session dates.
Resources and info for suppliers
Supplier instruction guides are posted on the OregonBuys website (before login), by scrolling to the bottom of the page to Important Links, and clicking on “Supplier resources for OregonBuys”. Instructions include: how to add users, find open or closed bid opportunities, submit a bid, and more. For assistance, contact 1-855-800-5046 or support.oregonbuys@das.oregon.gov.
Make donotreply@oregonbuys a trusted sender
We use the donotreply@oregonbuys.gov email address to send Bid notifications and system messages like password resets. Please check your mailbox filtering options and make this a trusted sender so you don’t miss any important messages from us.
What’s coming next
The state is rolling out new OregonBuys functionality to certain state agencies in 2022 and 2023. We’ll be in touch in mid-2022 with more information about how this may affect you.
Please take note that both of the OregonBuys support desks will be closed on December 24, 27, and 31 in observance of the Christmas and New Year holidays.