Over the past four weeks, our efforts focused on developing Phase II training courses and instructional documents. We also held kickoff meetings with Wave 1 agency Organization Administrators (OA's) to share instructions on collecting user data.
November marks five months in OregonBuys, and we're happy to report that system usage continues to grow! Below are the number of bids posted each month in OregonBuys up to this point:
• July = 188
• October = 179
• August = 178
• November = 200
• September = 157
Lastly, we want to take a moment to say we're grateful for project partners like you. Thank you for your continued collaboration, newsletter readership, and help in making this project a success! |
OregonBuys: One unified system — modernizing state procurement
Phase II's Wave 1 is in progress! State agencies who are in the wave are currently working on data collection.
This is the first of four key activities leading up to Go-live in June 2022, as shown in the graphic.
When agencies go through their wave in Phase II, they'll only be able to send procurement-related payments to suppliers who've registered in OregonBuys. We encourage state agencies to work with their vendors now to get them registered.
Registration is easy and free! Ask vendors to visit https://oregonbuys.gov and click the blue "register" button in the top right to get started.
State agencies post intergovernmental agreements in OregonBuys as Master Blanket Purchase Orders. The other party on these agreements is known as the "supplier."
Oregon Cooperative Procurement Program (OrCPP) members must register as a supplier in OregonBuys to be able to participate in these agreements. Supplier registration doesn't replace the existing OrCPP organization account; however, it does require entering your organization's Tax ID number.
If you're trying to register and get an error that your Tax ID is already in use, contact the OregonBuys supplier helpdesk at 1-855-800-5046 or support.oregonbuys@das.oregon.gov for assistance.
Please take note that both of the OregonBuys support desks will be closed on December 24, 27, and 31 in observance of the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Support desk contacts
For agencies and local governments: 1-888-472-9102 epro-support@periscopeholdings.com
For suppliers: 1-855-800-5046 support.oregonbuys@das.oregon.gov