We’re excited to share updated OregonBuys statistics with you. Here are the usage numbers to date:
- 411 Bids posted
- 1,866 staff user logins
As more staff are using the system, they are sharing their experiences with us. We're using the feedback to add topics to our new System User Tips and Tricks guide which is now posted in OregonBuys for state staff who have an account.
Over the past month, the project team focused its energy on completing the Phase II schedule and the procure-to-pay and wave one implementation plans. We anticipate finalizing and communicating the results in early September.
Next up is to complete an enterprise process inventory and process design for Phase II functionality. Starting in September, volunteers from 13 agencies will help us capture current state processes for requisitions, purchase orders, receiving, and invoicing. Once the processes are documented, we'll determine how to convert them over to OregonBuys.
OregonBuys: One unified system — modernizing state procurement
You don’t need an account to see open bids and contracts in OregonBuys.
Navigate to OregonBuys and do either of the following:
- Search by keyword using the Search Bar at the top of the homepage. Change the drop down option in the search bar to "Blankets" to view contracts, or "Bid Solicitations" to view open opportunities.
- Scroll down to Supplier Activities to view a full list of what's posted. Click on “Open Bids” to view open opportunities, or “Active Blankets” to view active contracts.
If you need a refresher on how to use OregonBuys, help is just a click away. Visit our training and resources webpage for links to self-paced training modules, instruction guides, and a terminology crosswalk:
Agency and local government system support is available from the OregonBuys help desk, provided by the state’s partner PHI, at 1-888-472-9102 or epro-support@periscopeholdings.com.
Suppliers can also find instructional guides on our website, and get support at 1-855-800-5046 or support.oregonbuys@oregon.gov.
State buyers:
If you have a contract up for renewal and the supplier doesn’t have an OregonBuys account, take action now and help get your supplier registered.
Contact the supplier and ask them to go to OregonBuys (https://oregonbuys.gov) and click on the blue “Register” button in the top right to get started.