Project eNewsletter | June 2020
Throughout June, our team focused on reviewing and finalizing project plans. We worked especially hard to finish the major ORPIN Replacement Plan and made great progress – the plan is in the final independent quality management services review stage. Our attention is now on completing the remaining project sub-plans and issuing Notice to Proceed (NTP) by the end of July.
We’re also happy to report that the OregonBuys system was successfully upgraded over the weekend of June 5th. The new version is now in use by early adopters at Secretary of State and Department of Forestry.
OregonBuys: One unified system — modernizing state procurement
We're excited to welcome and introduce two new members to the OregonBuys project team:
Ginny Beckwith
DAS Procurement Services
Ginny has joined the team as the Project Director.
She is overseeing day-to-day project operations.
Adam Helvey
DAS Procurement Services
Adam is the new Agency Liaison. He is assisting agencies with
implementation activities throughout Phase 1 and 2 of the project.
There are two governance bodies that guide our project work. Last month we shared the members of our Steering Committee – this month we're featuring the members of our Advisory Council. The Advisory Council meets monthly to provide input on program and project-level decisions.
Member Name
Agency |
Nicole Brazeal, Chair |
DAS Procurement Services |
Brad Cunningham |
DAS Shared Financial Services |
Liz Schultz |
DAS Statewide Financial Management Systems |
Gordon Patchell |
Nancy Cody |
Department of Consumer & Business Services |
Toni Payseno |
Department of Corrections |
James Reed |
Department of Forestry |
Tracy Wroblewski |
Department of Transportation |
Melissa Canfield |
Department of Transportation |
Sharon Domaschofsky |
State Police |
Sarah Roth |
Secretary of State |
Shawn Jacobsen |
Department of Human Services |