January 2018 | Workday Project Newsletter
The countdown to Workday go-live begins
By Himalaya Rao-Potlapally, Project Intern, Workday Project
Want to track the status of the Workday Project? The road map below outlines the project team's journey to go-live in June including the groups we will engage with at each step of the way. Click on the road map to access a larger, PDF version that you can save, bookmark or print!
Coming soon: 'Change Management for Managers' workshop
By Tammy Maddalena, Business Training Co-Lead, and Cecil Owens, Organizational Change Manager, Workday Project
Managers play the most critical role in leading individual employees and organizations through change.
The Workday Project’s upcoming workshop, “Change Management for Managers,” focuses on the power of individual coaching, the idea that managers are “employees
first” and techniques for managing and leading change.
As part of this one-day program, participants will contribute to
numerous discussions, activities and break-out sessions. Hearing actual business cases happening in agencies, boards and commissions will provide attendees meaningful context. Participants will learn how to ask powerful
questions and coach their staff, allowing all members of their respective
organizations to recognize and understand their own successes, challenges,
opportunities, and even the need for change. Learning to coach employees and ask the right questions serve as
critical tools that managers need to use in order to help
employees create and implement organizational solutions. The workshop’s goal is for participants
to create plans to help lead successful change management
efforts within their organizations.
In addition, the project will provide Train the Trainer sessions between February and March of 2018. Train the Trainer attendees will take workshop content back to their agencies. Your Workday Project agency readiness contacts (ARCs) will distribute
more information about these sessions in the coming weeks. For those interested
in participating, please contact the Workday Project team at chro.hris@oregon.gov.
Big data collection means big step toward system configuration
By Twyla Lawson, Business Change Manager, Workday Project & Legacy HR Systems Manager
In early December, agency readiness contacts (ARCs) diligently helped us collect important organizational information regarding supervisory relationships and employee work locations across the enterprise. We needed this
information for the next step in setting up the data for
implementation of the Workday system. Believe it or not, state government had the
ability to report on who reports to who within state service, but we
didn’t have unit names, division names or official work addresses. Until now!
To help accomplish this, the
Workday Project partnered with the DAS Chief Financial Office's Capital Finance & Facilities
Planning group, which also needed to capture work location data for
its efforts related to state property use. Capital Planning, with a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool, helped the project team
create an application (available on both computers and smartphones) to
collect the needed information.
ARCs used the application to collect data for over 75 percent of agencies. Of the over 40,000 state employee records, approximately
6,500 were collected directly through the application. The remaining agencies submitted data through a combination of application and spreadsheet data. The graph below outlines the bulk of data submissions over a two-week period.
Together, within a four-week
period, we were able to not only collect the data, but
also prepare it for our Workday implementation team (IBM). The
Project team thanks all of its ARCs and those who helped
with this important effort. A special shout
out goes to the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Department of
whose data came in on time and with exceptional quality.
this initial data collected was a significant effort, but it does not stop at collection: the
next step is to work closely with ARCs to ensure that the data is as
clean and complete as possible before go-live. Clean and complete data
will ensure that business processes have the
correct supervisory paths, reporting relationships and
much more. Here’s a sneak peek of what state government's data will look like in an
org chart
view. So exciting!
Project overlap is totally a thing, and we're here to clarify it
By Joyce Martinez, Project Manager, Workday Project
The TAMS (Time and Attendance Management System) Project, spearheaded by Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), will roll
out to four agencies beginning later this year. The four agencies include ODOT, Department of Aviation, Department of Agriculture (ODA), and Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ). The TAMS Project is also referred to as
"Kronos," the name of the software system the project will implement. Kronos' first
go-live is with ODOT during December 2018.
Click on the visual below to read a brief summary of the unique
and duplicated functionalities provided by the systems at the core of the
Workday and TAMS projects.
For more information about the project, please visit our website. Stay informed by following our Twitter feed and blog!