OLCC Reaches Major Milestones in Building New Distilled Spirits Distribution Center
Agency finalizes contract for new 347,000 sq. ft. warehouse
City of Canby moves ahead with land use approval
With more space and a state-of-the-art logistics system, the new distribution center will allow the OLCC to better supply businesses and customers across the state
 December 11, 2024
Portland, OR -- The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) announced it had reached two major milestones in the modernization of its distilled spirits distribution center.
The agency, in partnership with the Department of Administrative Services, agreed to a guaranteed maximum price of $87.6 million with JE Dunn Construction Company to build a 347,000 sq. ft. warehouse in Canby. Strategically located on the I-5 corridor, the warehouse will serve as the main distribution hub to customers across Oregon.
The City of Canby’s Planning Commission also voted to approve the land use for the project.
“I’m happy to report that we are moving full steam ahead with our new warehouse,” OLCC Executive Director Craig Prins told members of the state’s Committee on Economic Development, Small Business, and Trade on Wednesday. “This much needed upgrade greatly expands our ability to serve Oregonians. We can better oversee access to alcohol products while protecting public health and supporting responsible businesses.”
Modernization of the state’s distilled spirits distribution center is long overdue. Dating back to the Eisenhower Administration, the current facilities often run at or above capacity, potentially slowing delivery and restricting the variety of products the OLCC can offer. Due to capacity issues, product must travel between two separate warehouses that are a half-mile part, reducing efficiency.
The OLCC is proud of the role we play in Oregon,” said OLCC Chair Dennis Doherty. “We provide Oregonians with a wide selection of spirits, including many distilled right here in the state while also safeguarding an environment where alcohol is less likely to be misused. We also provide critical funding to our state, county and city partners. The state-of-the-art facility we are building guarantees we can deliver these vital services for decades to come.”
Besides more space, the new facility includes improvements that will enhance efficiency, distribution speed and add much needed capacity. An advanced conveyor and logistics system will route product quickly and efficiently, allowing more orders to be filled simultaneously. The facility will double the number of trucks that can be supplied at any one time, ensuring that Oregon businesses can remain competitive in the marketplace.
The warehouse also makes significant strides in sustainable design and construction. Designed to be a State Energy Efficient Design (SEED) building, the warehouse will exceed state energy codes by 20 percent through use of all electric power, LED lighting, heat pumps for office areas and air rotation units for warehouse freeze protection among other measures. The project will also meet state Green Energy Technology requirements through warehouse roof mounted solar panels.
With offices in Beaverton and expertise in projects of this type, general contractor JE Dunn Construction was selected through a competitive bidding process. “We are thrilled to work with the State of Oregon to deliver a project that will have a positive impact on the community and the local economy,” said Jeff Fisher, Vice President at JE Dunn Construction.
The project is scheduled to break ground in spring 2025 with completion anticipated in summer 2026.
About the OLCC The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) oversees access to alcohol and cannabis products in Oregon through education, regulation, and distilled spirits distribution. Its aim is to protect public health and safety while supporting responsible businesses and providing funding for local and state agencies.
News media needing additional information, contact:
John Brady 971-235-7561 John.Brady@olcc.oregon.gov