Temporary Bus Stops
The following bus stops have been temporarily relocated:
Route 005 Inbound - Classen Blvd. at NW 23rd St. (Stop ID 3782) near Walgreens has temporarily moved south to Classen at NW 21st.
Route 005 Inbound - Classen Blvd. at NW 18th St. (Stop ID 601) has temporarily moved south to Classen at NW 17th (near Braum's Ice Cream & Dairy Store).
Bus Stop Closures
The following fixed-route bus stops are closed:
Phase: Ramp construction
Traffic Control: The right lane of southbound Classen Blvd. is closed from NW 24th St. to NW 22nd St. The right lane of northbound Classen Blvd. is closed from NW 22nd St. to NW 23rd. St. There are two northbound and two southbound lanes open during this time.
Additionally, the right lane of westbound NW 23rd St. is closed just west of Classen Blvd. There is one lane of westbound NW 23rd St. open during this time.
Estimated Construction Timeline: 9/11/23 – 9/15/23
![NW 23rd x Classen](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OKOKC/2023/07/7915694/nw-23rd-x-classen-sb_original.png) back to top
Phase: Paver installation, amenities installation, and cleanup
Traffic Control: Northbound Robinson Ave. is closed between Park Ave. and Couch Dr. A detour is in place for northbound traffic during this time. Southbound Robinson Ave. traffic and OKC Streetcar operations are not affected.
Estimated Construction Timeline: 9/11/23 – 9/22/23
![Park x Robinson](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OKOKC/2023/05/7646633/park-x-robinson_original.png) back to top
Phase: Vault lid installation
Traffic Control: Southbound Broadway Ave. is closed between the alley just south of Park Ave. and Main Street. The northbound lane will remain open.
Estimated Construction Timeline: 9/5/23 – 9/11/23
![Main x Broadway](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OKOKC/2023/09/8144794/main-x-broadway-vault-lid_original.png) back to top
Phase: Median removal (circled in yellow)
Traffic Control: Motorists should be alert to intermittent lane shifts on north and southbound Independence Ave. at N.W. Expressway.
Estimated Construction Timeline: 9/11/23 – 9/22/23
![Median](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OKOKC/2023/09/8145346/median-at-independence_original.png) back to top
![Headshot of Kristen Torkelson in yellow cardigan.](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/OKOKC/2022/06/6063282/4190681/kt_crop.jpg) |
Hi there!
I am EMBARK's project manager for the RAPID's first bus rapid transit (BRT) Northwest line. If you have any questions about the project or anything referenced in this update, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Public transit is always a work in progress, but we know that where public transit goes, community grows. Thank you for your patience throughout the construction process.
Kristen Torkelson, Sr. Project Manager
Email Kristen | ![Bookmark and Share](https://content.govdelivery.com/assets/share_this-795413ad3d604760a450815a10e46c8ea06b7315facb759ffdacbc7b7830f87b.gif)