National Tornado Preparedness Summit March 2012: You are Invited
Oklahoma Insurance Department sent this bulletin at 01/24/2012 08:32 AM CST
The Oklahoma Insurance Department, National Weather Center in Norman, OK, and the National Association of Insurance Commissioners invites you to attend the National Tornado Preparedness Summit March 11, 12 and 13 at the Cox Convention Center in Oklahoma City, OK.
This conference is for agents, adjusters and regulators. It will offer 10 hours of continuing education for a $149 registration fee.
The keynote speakers will be Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and Jim Cantore from The Weather Channel, and will feature a tour of the National Weather Center in Norman, OK.
To access our National Tornado Preparedness Summit website click on the link below. The website details the agenda, registration and hotel information:
We have received over one hundred registrations within the first week of registration, so please register now to secure your spot at this landmark conference!
The National Tornado Preparedness Summit Team