To our Monthly Monitors:
Howdy Howdy from your QA Officer,
You all have been doing a pretty good job entering your monitoring data into the "App." Ever since the previous QA in the Spring, your % Oxygen Saturation data numbers have been calculated WAY better! Good on ya'!
However, I am seeing a couple of things about data entry that I'd like to point out in hopes of better data entry in the future:
Enter the drop/wheel number. DO NOT enter the calculated value. The "App" will do the calculations for you. When I see things, it has mainly been on the Orthophosphate and Chloride tests. When you enter your data, first properly select the range of the test that you performed (High Range, Low Range, etc.), then type in the number you saw on the wheel - the number of drops you used. Based on what test range you indicated, the "App" will do that calculation for you. Take an extra second or two and after you enter a number, look just below to see the calculated value. If the calculated value is not correct, then perhaps you selected the wrong test range or you entered the calculated value instead of the drop/wheel number.
Bacteria results. If your total coliform is over 300 colonies, please go ahead and enter 300 and also select "yes" that the count was over 300.
Steam Stage/Elevated/No Flow. Only use this if your creek site is BOTH elevated and also no flow. If your site has flow, is above normal, but not flooding, then select "Above Normal." You can also add in the comments a short explanation/description. So, referencing the old form, we had an option of "Slightly Elevated," this will fall within the current option of "Above Normal." Thanks to photos, I have been able to correct this, otherwise I've been emailing the monitoring volunteer to make sure what Stream Stage they did have.
Overall, you all have adjusted mighty fine to the new way of data entry. I thank you for your patience with this and your good work. Also, don't forget that you can double check your data entry, after I QA it, by looking on the App Map.
There are currently 320 datasets entered into the "App" that you can view on the "App Map"!!!! You can also look and see if you have not entered some data that you thought you did.
If anyone has any questions about the above info, please let me know.
Kim Shaw Blue Thumb QA Officer