OOD Hosts Social Security Administration Conference, OOD Council Members Appointed, Celebrating ADA Anniversary

An update and information report for doctors who provide consultative exams for OOD’s Division of Disability Determination

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OOD's Division of Disability Determination Hosts Social Security Administration Disability Case Processing System Conference



OOD’s Division of Disability Determination (DDD) hosted a quad regional engagement session demonstrating the new Disability Case Processing System (DCPS) in June. In anticipation of the system rolling out in their states and regions, representatives from the Social Security Administration’s Office of Disability Determinations’ Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and Seattle Regions came to Columbus to learn how Ohio prepared for and implemented DCPS. Panelists answered questions and discussed various aspects of processing disability claims and working in DCPS. Users shared their experiences in Ohio, including challenges they encountered during the rollout. Visitors were seated with staff for a hands-on session watching claims adjudicators use the system. Ohio was the first state in the nation to close a disability case in DCPS and continues to be called upon to share knowledge of the disability program and the new electronic system.

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Council Members Appointed

The Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Council was established by Senate Bill 144 and signed into law by Governor John Kasich on March 1, 2018. The law streamlines the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Commissioners, the Governor’s Council on People with Disabilities, and the Consumer Advisory Committee into a single, more inclusive council. The makeup of the Council follows criteria established by the federal government, including that a majority of the members have a disability.

The Council consists of 15 members who are appointed by the Governor. Currently, the following individuals have been appointed:

Marcie Beers (Mount Gilead); Mark Davis (Columbus); Shauna L. Dowdy (Portsmouth); Jane E. Gerhardt (Cincinnati); Margie Hegg (Upper Arlington); Jack Licate, Ph.D. (Shaker Heights); Charles “Carlo” LoParo (Dublin); Kimberly S. Monachino, Ed.D (Twinsburg); John L. Moore (Dublin); Jeremy Morris (Reynoldsburg); Carolyn Peters, Ph.D. (Dayton); Matthew J. Sauer, Ph.D. (Cincinnati); JW Smith, Ph.D. (Athens); and Karis L. Spence (Delaware).

The OOD Council will meet quarterly to advise OOD regarding specific aspects of the vocational rehabilitation program as outlined in the federal regulations. The Council is responsible for reviewing state goals and priorities related to the vocational rehabilitation services portion of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan. Congratulations to the new members. For additional information, visit OOD Council.

Celebrating the ADA Anniversary


The month of July marks the 28th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). On July 28, 1990, President H.W. Bush signed the ADA into legislation. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age and religion. The ADA also assures equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities for access to businesses, employment, transportation, state and local government programs and services, and telecommunications.


“I look at it as planting a flag on new territory that says people with disabilities matter,” said OOD Director Kevin Miller. “Prior to the ADA, people with disabilities were not on level footing with their rights in this country. They were viewed by what they can’t do; now we look at what they can do.”


OOD assists employers with incorporating the ADA into the workplace through no-cost disability awareness and disability etiquette trainings, including Windmills, an interactive training that helps employers break down barriers and apprehensions about hiring individuals with disabilities.


“Windmills makes people stop and think, and that’s the most important thing,” said Director Miller.


The ADA has benefited many people with disabilities, even those with disabilities that are not obvious. For more information, visit ADA. For information about how OOD Business Relations staff can customize a training session to meet your business’s needs, visit OOD Employers - Windmills.

New Process for Public Comment on Vocational Rehabilitation Policies

On July 2, OOD’s vocational rehabilitation (VR) policy and training unit launched a new process for stakeholders to provide input on VR policies that are scheduled to undergo review. Notice of VR Policy Review will house VR policies that are under review, including information about the opening and closing dates (always a 30-day review period). OOD will communicate a list of policies and review dates via social media (website, Facebook, Twitter and Granicus). If you currently receive the OOD Focus e-newsletter through Granicus, you will automatically receive separate announcements for each VR policy review. Feedback on VR policies will be limited to each specific VR policy under review for that specific 30-day review period. To sign up for the OOD Focus e-newsletter, visit OOD.Ohio.gov.

OOD Helps Man Find a Job He Loves

josh logan

Eight years ago, Josh Logan was involved in a motorcycle accident which resulted in various disabilities including a traumatic brain injury. Prior to the accident, Josh had been employed as a commercial carpenter, but was unable to return to his occupation.

Josh then decided to pursue a degree in accounting at Firelands Bowling Green State University and applied for OOD services. He later discovered he preferred hands-on work and left school.

OOD was able to help Josh find employment at North Coast Marine Specialties in Port Clinton, where he was hired as a canvas sewer, and later was promoted to project manager. As project manager, he enjoys more customer involvement as he obtains estimates and orders materials and supplies for business operations.

Russ Griffin, one of the owners of North Coast Marine Specialties said, “Josh puts everything into what he’s doing and doesn’t let what’s happened to him in the past stop him from moving forward.”

Josh loves his job and looks forward to going to work because he gets to work both inside and outside, and every day is different. If you have a disability and want to work, visit OODWorks.com.

Participant Focus Groups Seek Input

OOD is hosting participant focus groups around the state for those who want to provide input about OOD services or to learn more about vocational rehabilitation. For focus group events, visit OOD's Facebook page.

Affordable Colleges for Students with Disabilities

According to Affordable Colleges Online, though the price of obtaining a postsecondary education can be steep, both traditional and online degrees should be accessible to everyone. To offset costs, many seek alternative sources of funding, including grants, loans and scholarships. Students with disabilities who are entering college will find that there are selective scholarship opportunities for which they may apply that can help pay for school. To discover scholarships and additional resources for obtaining funding, visit Affordable Colleges Online.

OOD can help students with disabilities successfully transition from school to work. If you know a student with a disability, visit OOD Transition Students to get additional information. 

Connect to OOD on Social Media

Connect to OOD on TwitterFacebook and YouTube to see more items like this interview with OOD Director Miller about the Technology First initiative. 


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The services described are funded, in part, with Federal funds awarded by the U.S. DOE under the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), Supported Employment Services, and the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind (OIB) programs. For purposes of the VR program, the Federal VR grant paid 78.7 percent of the total costs of the program. In Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018, the VR agency received $100,336,097 in Federal VR funds. Funds appropriated by the State paid 21.3 percent of the total costs $27,155,767 under the VR program.


The pre-employment transition services provided under the VR program, described, are funded 100 percent through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. For FFY 2018, the total amount of grant funds used for these services is $15,050,415.


For purposes of the Supported Employment program (Youth with a Disability Program), Federal funds paid 100 percent of the total costs. In FFY 2018, the VR agency received $303,725 in Federal Supported Employment funds (Youth with a Disability Program).


For purposes of the Supported Employment program, Federal funds paid 95 percent of the total costs. In FFY 2018, the VR agency received $303,725 in Federal Supported Employment funds. State appropriated funds paid 5 percent $33,747 of the total costs under the Supported Employment program.

For purposes of the OIB program, Federal funds paid 90 percent of the total costs incurred under the program. In FFY 2018, the agency received $1,174,400 in Federal grant funds for this program. Funds appropriated by the State paid 10 percent $130,489 of the total costs incurred under the OIB program.


The services described are funded, in part, with Federal funds awarded by Health and Human Services (HHS) under the Independent Living (IL) program.  For purposes of the Federal IL program the federal grant paid 90 percent of the total costs of the program. In FFY 2018, OOD received $632,411 in Federal IL funds. Funds appropriated by the State paid 10 percent of the total costs $70,268 under the IL program.

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