Contact: Jennifer Lockrey, 614-525-7315
Make Sure Your Dog is Licensed and Safe this Independence Day
COLUMBUS, Ohio – July 4th is around the corner, and with Independence Day celebrations being held across Franklin County, the Auditor’s office is offering tips on how to keep your dog safe on this holiday weekend. Fireworks can be traumatizing for canines, leading them to bolt. This year for the first time, a new state law legalizes the use of fireworks by consumers unless it is prohibited by a municipality.
Make sure to license your dog, as required by state law. Licensing your dog ensures that if they get lost they will be returned to you quickly. Licensed dogs are held longer by the Franklin County Dog Shelter.
Keep dogs away from fireworks to avoid instinctual bolting. Exercise them before fireworks begin.
Be aware of July heat, and remember that pavement and asphalt temperatures can get hot enough to burn your dog’s paws.
Ensure your pet has access to water. You can also spray them with cool water.
Keep your dog leashed and close.
Comfort your dog and play white noise.
Never leave your dog in a hot car.
Red White and Boom will be held July 3 in Downtown Columbus, and numerous other celebrations will be held in communities across Franklin County.
Dog licenses can always be purchased online at doglicense.franklincountyohio.gov or in person at the Auditor’s Office License Counter, 373 S. High St., 21st floor, Columbus.