March 20, 2023
Contact: Jennifer Lockrey, 614.525.7315
Auditor’s office Launches One-Stop Shop Website explaining 2023 Reappraisal
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano launched the 2023 Know Your Home Value website, a one-stop shop website that features detailed information on the countywide mass reappraisal that is currently underway, and which will provide a new valuation for every property in Franklin County in August.
“As your Franklin County Auditor, I want to make the state-required reappraisal process transparent and accessible for all Franklin County homeowners,” Stinziano said. “The Know Your Home Value website not only explains how and what the office is doing, it presents options for homeowners who want their voices to be heard regarding their home values.”
The new website shows the timeline of the reappraisal, answers to frequently asked questions, and the ability to request an Auditor’s office speaker who can explain to neighborhood groups the 2023 Reappraisal process.
The Know Your Home Value website also includes a link to the Neighborhood Survey, which enables residents to provide feedback regarding their opinions of their neighborhood. This information will help the Auditor’s office ensure neighborhood data collected as part of the reappraisal is as accurate as possible. The deadline to fill out a survey is March 31.
As the mass reappraisal timeline progresses, helpful new features will be added to the site, such as GIS mapping tool, giving users the ability to compare their properties to others in the neighborhood as well as a property tax estimation calculator.
In August, tentative property values will be available to property owners both through the mail and online at the Know Your Home Value website. Through September, if an owner disagrees with the tentative value, they can schedule a property value review session with Auditor’s office appraisers before property values are finalized in December.