Have You Used the MTG Lookup Tool Yet?

Have You Used the MTG Lookup Tool Yet?

This is a reminder of the availability of a recently released tool that is available in the Medical Portal related to the Workers’ Compensation Board’s New York Medical Treatment Guidelines (MTGs).

The MTG Lookup Tool allows users to quickly determine whether a particular condition or treatment/test combination is "Recommended," "Not Recommended" or "Conditional,” according to the MTGs. When a treatment/test name is selected, the relevant section of the full MTGs for that condition will display. This online tool will help speed treatment decisions and ultimately provide more effective and efficient care for injured workers.

The MTG Lookup Tool also has a feature for use by providers that produces a Verification Summary document (PDF) that confirms a lookup was completed, provides treatment recommendations for that condition, and displays patient-specific case information. This document can be kept by the health care provider or attached to any request for service or medical bill being sent to an insurer as verification that the treatment adheres to the recommendations set forth in the MTGs.

To support the timely delivery of medical care consistent with the MTGs, the Board has made the MTG Lookup Tool available to all Board-authorized providers. For other stakeholders interested in utilizing the Lookup Tool, after logging into the Board’s Medical Portal and selecting “MTG Lookup Tool” on the Treatment card, you will be given contact information for ReedGroup to purchase a license for the tool. If you are an insurer that has previously licensed the ReedGroup Medical Treatment Guidelines in other states, you may be able to access the NYS MTGs via the Lookup Tool at no additional charge.

The MTG Lookup Tool is available for the following MTGs:

  • Elbow Injuries
  • Foot and Ankle Injuries
  • Hip and Groin Injuries
  • Hand, Wrist and Forearm Injuries (including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
  • Occupational Interstitial Lung Disease
  • Occupational/Work-Related Asthma
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder

The full MTGs are available on the Board’s website and accessible via the Medical Portal. 

To access the Medical Portal and these resources, visit the Board's website at wcb.ny.gov and select “Medical Portal” from the Online Services menu at the top of the homepage.

Additional Resources

For more details and a brief demo of the MTG Lookup Tool, take a few minutes to view the MTG Lookup Tool video tutorial. More information is also available on the “What's New” section of our Medical Treatment Guidelines webpage.

For MTG Lookup Tool questions, email MTGLookupTool@wcb.ny.gov.