Hello neighbors,
Congratulations to the winners of our Black History Month video poetry contest! Today we recognized the top three winners of the video poetry contest during the Feb. 16 City Council meeting. The first place winner, Southern Nevada Urban Micro Academy (SNUMA) student Alexandria Parague’s entry was shown during the meeting! She was presented with a gift from the City Council. The second place winner was Allen James and the third place winner was Gwendolyn Walker.
The video poetry contest centered on the theme, "What does Black History mean to you?" and celebrated the history and contributions made by African Americans in honor of Black History Month.
Additionally, the City is running a social media campaign all through February that highlights outstanding African-American employees. Employees will also be invited to participate in a prayer and singing of the Black National Anthem on the steps of Liberty Park at City Hall on Thursday, Feb. 24 in celebration of the culmination of Black History Month. A photo will be taken to commemorate the gathering as employees of African ancestry will be invited to dress in traditional African attire.
Tune in to our City of North Las Vegas Facebook page throughout the month of February to learn more.

North Las Vegas Police Officer and wife fosters 5 children
I'm sure you have all heard of our amazing North Las Vegas Police Department Officer Nicholas Quintana and his wife, who ended up fostering five children after responding to a homicide call in January.
Check out their incredible story on 8 News Now at https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/only-on-8-north-las-vegas-police-officer-wife-take-in-5-children-from-foster-care-system/.
The Nevada Police Union is supporting the Quintana Family through a GoFundMe account here if you'd like to support.

City of North Las Vegas unveils full-building mural at Neighborhood Recreation Center
Last week, the City of North Las Vegas unveiled the artistic work of Graffiti Park LLC at Neighborhood Recreation Center, 1638 N. Bruce Street. Ward 1 Councilman Isaac Barron, Graffiti Park artists and community members gathered for a ribbon-cutting and meet-and-greet to mark the occasion!
The murals can be enjoyed from the adjacent Hartke Park, which was reconstructed by the City and reopened in 2021. Neighborhood Recreation Center offers a variety of recreational activities and programs for all ages. The center includes a fitness facility, neighborhood café and more! For more information, visit cityofnorthlasvegas.com.
Graffiti Park is a coalition of more than 150 Las Vegas artists dedicated to developing unique, sustainable opportunities for the creation of ambitious art projects in local communities by promoting collaboration over competition. For more information, visit graffitipark.org.

Dunkin’ Donuts opens in North Las Vegas
North Las Vegas runs on Dunkin'! Councilwoman Pamela Goynes-Brown helped open the brand new Dunkin' located at: 1616 E Lake Mead Blvd.
At the grand opening, the Dunkin' Joy In Childhood Foundation, which brings the simple joys of childhood to kids battling hunger or illness, made a $1,000 donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada. Welcome to the North Las Vegas community, Dunkin'!

The North Las Vegas Police Department Citizen’s Academy
The North Las Vegas Police Department is inviting residents to participate in the next Hispanic Citizens Academy.
The 10-week program is designed to give North Las Vegas residents an opportunity to obtain first-hand information on how the police department operates. As part of the program, the department aims to familiarize citizens with the criminal justice system and provide a greater understanding of the tasks that police officers face each day.
The Hispanic Citizens Academy will run from March 23 through May 25.
Those interested must have an application approved before attending. For additional information or to apply, visit http://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/departments/police/citizens_academy_hispanic.php.

Yours in service,
Councilman Scott Black