April 2022
 Dear District G Residents,
I have always loved Spring, not only because our colder temperatures are in the rear view mirror, but because it's time for our annual Spring Job Fair! Our job fairs have been a tremendous success in past years for both job seekers and employers alike. Commissioner Segerblom and I, in partnership with Nevada JobConnect and One-Stop Career Centers, will be hosting this year's Spring Job Fair on Friday, April 15 at the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority in the beautiful West Hall. Due to increasing costs for gas, groceries and housing, we are requiring participating employers to offer at least 5 jobs starting at $18.00 per hour. Some jobs will offer even more! There will be over 100 employers from various industries and some will be hiring on-the-spot! Click here to register for the event. I hope to see you there!
There are a variety of activities being offered this month to get out and enjoy the weather at Clark County Parks, Recreation Centers and Libraries as well in the cities of Henderson and Boulder City. Make sure to scroll down for upcoming events.
We've included some interesting information on the upcoming increase in minimum wage, expectations for boating on Lake Mead, swimming season safety and water conservation. And...for all the kids that entered the Mojave Max contest, he has emerged from his burrow!
As always, do not hesitate to email me at DistrictG@clarkcountynv.gov or call my office at (702) 455-3500 with any questions or concerns you may have. You can also follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
 Clark County Commissioner Tick Segerblom and I will host a free in-person job fair at the Las Vegas Convention Center's West Hall on April 15, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome, but job seekers are encouraged to pre-register at https://www.nvcareercenter.org/springjobfair2022/. Attendees should dress for success and bring multiple resumes as employers may offer on-site interviews and make on-the-spot job offers. Parking is free in adjacent lots, and job seekers should enter the job fair through the West Hall entrances toward the south side of the building.
We had an excellent turnout at Paradise Park for our Movie in the Park event on March 12th. We screened Disney's Encanto while the community enjoyed free Abuela's Tacos and popcorn! We had great weather, great food and a great movie! Thanks to the families that came out and special thanks to the Parks Staff who worked so hard to put on a fun show! Stay tuned for our May Movie in the Park announcement coming soon.
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
On Saturday, March 26, Mojave Max, a threatened desert tortoise and mascot of the Clark County Desert Conservation Program, emerged from his burrow. With the warm temperatures, he was able to enjoy the beautiful day of sunshine at Springs Preserve.
Mojave Max has hosted the annual Mojave Max Emergence Contest since 2000 and has come to be known as a weather indicator for the west coast. The mascot visits schools and teaches students about the Mojave Desert and all about desert tortoises.
The Springs Preserve is owned and operated by the Las Vegas Valley Water District and is located at 333 S. Valley View Blvd. Call for hours at (702) 822-7700.
The Office of the Labor Commissioner reminds Nevada employers that the minimum wage will increase effective July 1, 2022. Assembly Bill 456, passed by the 2019 Nevada Legislature, increases the minimum wage in increments of 75 cents annually through 2024.
The State of Nevada has a two-tier minimum wage system based on qualifying health benefits being offered to employees. For the period covering July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, the minimum wage rate is $9.50 per hour if the employee is offered qualifying health benefits, and $10.50 per hour if the employee is not offered qualifying health benefits.
An increase in the minimum wage will also increase the daily overtime rates for the same period beginning July 1, except for those employees exempted from overtime requirements under NRS 608.018.
Employees in Nevada that earn more than one and one-half times the minimum wage for both tiers - $14.25 per hour for those offered health benefits and $15.75 per hour for those not offered health benefits- are eligible for overtime at one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for over 40 hours of work in a week.
For employees that earn less than the amounts listed above, in addition to overtime pay after the traditional 40-hour week, Nevada law also provides for overtime pay at one and one-half times an employee’s regular rate of pay for working more than 8 hours in a 24-hour period.
The annual bulletins for minimum wage and overtime can be found at http://labor.nv.gov.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) Board of Directors approved a new conservation goal and resolutions to help protect the community's limited water supply which is threatened by the impacts of a decades-long drought and climate change within the Colorado River basin.
To ramp up conservation progress, the board established a new conservation goal of 86 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) by 2035. Last year, the community used 110 GPCD. Two new resolutions will help Southern Nevada achieve the goal. The approved resolutions will restrict new turf installation and spray irrigation in all new developments except schools, parks and cemeteries, as landscape irrigation represents Southern Nevada's largest consumptive water use and cannot be recycled and reused. Additionally, a prohibition on evaporative cooling in all new developments, excluding single-family residences, was approved and will significantly help conserve water. Evaporative cooling mechanisms are highly water-intensive and are the community's second-largest consumptive use of water.
To learn more about these initiatives, visit www.snwa.com to access the new Water Resource Plan.
Are you smelling odors related to a nearby cannabis cultivation or production facility? If so, we'd like to hear from you.
Low-water levels have reduced launch ramp access so plan ahead before visiting
Lake Mead National Recreation Area welcomes visitors for the 2022 boating season and encourages everyone to check for potential changes to motorized boat launch ramp access before visiting.
Boaters should check the status of their preferred launch destination(s) on the park’s website and consider planning their trips to avoid high-traffic times. Highest congestion at launch ramps typically occurs on weekends, so weekday visits are encouraged when possible to enjoy the lake with fewer crowds.
Launch ramp access this summer:
- Callville Bay launch ramp is open on one lane of pipe mat and will likely close in April 2022 or when the lake level drops below 1,062 feet elevation. Previous Bureau of Recreation (BOR) projections anticipated this lake level drop happening in May, but the most recent projections suggest it will occur sooner.
- Hemenway Harbor will operate on one lane of concrete; pipe mat extension will be installed at 1,064 feet elevation.
- Echo Bay will operate on two lanes of concrete; one lane of pipe mat extension will be installed at 1,060 feet elevation.
- Launch ramps at Temple Bar and Boulder Harbor will remain closed. South Cove’s launch ramp is closed, but primitive launching is still available approximately 5 mile to the south of the concrete launch ramp.
- Launch ramp access on Lake Mohave will remain However, boaters should expect higher congestion at these locations.
Since fires are year-round concern in Southern Nevada’s dry climate, officials are asking the public to remember the local rules regarding fireworks.
The inter-agency “You Light It, We Write It” campaign, www.YouLightItWeWriteIt.Vegas, will be active again this year over the July Fourth holiday. Clark County and local police and fire departments launched the effort to raise awareness about the problem of illegal fireworks over the holiday and to encourage the public’s support in only using approved “safe and sane” fireworks. Fireworks labeled “safe and sane” are the only type of consumer fireworks allowed in Clark County and only from June 28 through July 4 each year when nonprofit groups are allowed to sell them for fundraising purposes at locally licensed and inspected stands.
Officials say the best way to ensure that you are using safe and sane fireworks approved for use in our community is to buy them at local stands licensed to operate over the holiday. Some fireworks sold elsewhere and labeled “safe and sane” may not be legal here. Any fireworks purchased from vendors located outside Clark County are likely to be illegal, including those purchased from vendors in Pahrump, Amargosa Valley and the Moapa Band of Paiutes.
Starting this year, offenders caught using illegal fireworks in Clark County will face an increased minimum fine of $500, up from $250. The Nevada State Legislature authorized Clark County to increase the fines for illegal fireworks during the 2021 session. The legislation allows for fines of up to $10,000 for large amounts of illegal fireworks found within the community.
The public may call 311, the police non-emergency number, to report illegal firework complaints but responses are prioritized based on available resources and emergency responses occurring in the community. The “You Light It, We Write It” effort includes the I Spy Fireworks website, www.ISpyFireworks.com, which was as created as a resource for the public to report complaints about illegal fireworks instead of calling 911. The misuse of 911 to report complaints about illegal fireworks can bog down our local dispatch center and potentially reduce response times to emergencies. In 2021, the site logged 21,134 complaints from June 28 – July 4, including 13,447 on July 4.
Second COVID-19 booster doses are now available for people 50 and older and people 12 and older who are immunocompromised at Southern Nevada Health District vaccination clinics. Second boosters were authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has updated its recommendation for certain immunocompromised individuals and people over the age of 50 who received an initial booster dose at least four months previously.
The booster doses are authorized for the mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) and are available to people regardless of which vaccine they originally received. Pfizer booster doses are authorized for people age 12 and older. Moderna boosters are available for people age 18 and older.
In addition to recommending first and second booster doses, the Health District continues to encourage those who have not yet completed their initial vaccination series to do so. Vaccines are available at Health District and community locations throughout Southern Nevada. Currently, more than 72 percent of people eligible in Clark County have initiated vaccination and more than 58 percent have completed vaccination.
Additional COVID-19 resources and Health District vaccine clinic site locations are available at www.snhd.info/covid.
Clark County pools and aquatic facilities are recruiting to hire part-time lifeguards, water safety instructors and other staff for summer jobs.
Interested candidates must be age 15 ½ and older and can submit applications online through the Parks and Recreation Department’s Aquatics Program at https://bit.ly/3m4FzmE. The pay range is $12 to $17 an hour.
After applications are received, candidates will be interviewed and will be required to attend a lifeguard class and show their ability to perform pre-requisite skills. Skills include fifty yards of freestyle swimming, fifty yards of freestyle swimming with a lifeguard rescue tube, one minute of treading water without the use of hands, and the retrieval of a ten-pound object from the bottom of the pool.
Candidates who meet pre-requisites will be hired and paid to attend an additional two-day lifeguard training session that includes CPR certification.
For more information, call the Aquatics Program at (702) 455-1708.
With the arrival of spring, swimming pool season has officially arrived in Clark County, and officials are reminding the public to keep careful watch over children to prevent water-related injuries and drownings.
Clark County partners with the Southern Nevada Health District and other agencies to promote water safety. Adults are urged to be water watchers every time children in their care are in or near water. Parents are encouraged to ask about Water Watcher plans whenever they leave their children near water and under the supervision of another adult. The public can download Water Watcher pledge cards from the drowning prevention page of the Health District’s website at https://tinyurl.com/3yyz87zz. Pledge cards also are available at County aquatics facilities.
Additionally, Clark County Television created a drowning prevention PSA that has been shared with local media and is posted on social media sites including YouTube: https://bit.ly/3HGbfGP.
Clark County offers swimming lessons year-round at the Aquatic Springs indoor pool and Desert Breeze and Hollywood Aquatic centers. Lessons are available for children as young as 6 months to adults. Most outdoor pools offer swim lessons during the summer months as well. Online registration for the first session of summer swim lessons is set to open on Thursday, May 26, via the pool/aquatic pages of the county’s Parks and Recreation Department website: https://tinyurl.com/2p9dt6p6. Swim programs and lesson schedules of activities vary at each pool location. Lessons range from beginning skills to get swimmers comfortable in the water to aquatic sports such as swim team, synchronized swimming, water polo and lifeguarding skills.
The County operates 15 aquatics facilities including pools in Indian Springs, Laughlin, Logandale, and Overton. Seasonal pools are open to the public in May, June, July, and August.
At Bioblitz you are the naturalist. Make observations, identify plants, mammals, birds, fish, insects, and reptiles on your own or with the help of guest scientists! All observation are entered into a global database, iNaturalist, to help track biodiversity. View the iNaturalist Wetlands Park Nature Journal. It's free and there is no registration required. Saturday, April 30 from 9:00 am to 1:00 PM.
Have you taken a photo in Wetlands Park that you would like to share? Want to see your Wetlands Park photo featured in an upcoming Wetlands Park newsletter?
The March photo challenge subject is "Nesting".
Submit your high resolution photo(s) to: wetlands@clarkcountynv.gov by 5pm on April 30th, 2022 to be considered. Include your name, date, and location of the photo.
Post about it on Social media! #CCWetlandsPark #CallforWPphotos
 Las Vegas Wash at Wetlands Park. January "New Year, New View" photo challenge submitted by Nina Angrisani.
 We’re ready to provide memorable summer camp experiences for children ages 3-18. Our camps feature engaging activities, an upbeat atmosphere, and convenient hours and locations. We keep kids safe, happy and engaged. Register early as space fills up quickly! Learn more
- Battle Born Kids & Teens
- Page to Stage
- Campfire Kids
- Tiny Tots Adventurers
- Downtown Hoops Camp
- Junior Naturalist Day Camp
- Camp H2Go
- Jr. Lifeguards
 Shop for fresh produce and healthy, handmade products from a curated collective of local merchants. Each market location will also offer its own special experiences from group fitness classes, family activities and more!
- Cornerstone Park · Tuesdays from 9am-2pm; the first and third Saturday of the month from 9am-2pm
- Mission Hills Park · Wednesdays from 2pm-6pm
- Water Street Plaza · Thursdays from 10am-3pm
 April 9 & 23 · 8am-Noon
Help us clean up a portion of the recently annexed Eldorado Valley. Meet at the end of Horizon Ridge Parkway near Kind Avenue. Hat, water, sunscreen, sturdy shoes, and gloves are recommended.
 April 24, 2pm-5pm
Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve
Listen to the sounds of Hot Club of Las Vegas and stroll along the paths at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve or take a tour on our bird mobile. Complimentary beverages with alcohol available for purchase. Chairs are provided. $20 per person. Buy your tickets today!
April 16 at 9am
Acacia Park
Celebrate Earth Day by taking a run or walk down The Harry Reid Union Pacific Railroad Trail! After the run, join us for a cleanup on the trail. Bibs, t-shirts, and medals will be recycled (unused) from previous 5Ks. Enjoy the beautiful spring weather, get some exercise and make a positive impact in our environment! Register today.
 VGK Watch Party
April 1 at 7pm
Help us cheer on the Vegas Golden Knights as they take on the Seattle Kraken. Enjoy a live DJ, souvenir giveaways, food trucks and more! Free to attend for all ages. More information.
Move & Groove Music Festival
April 2 at 10am
The Grammys come to Henderson! Sing and dance along with a star-studded lineup of 2022 children's music nominees performing their R&B, Latin, reggae, pop and hip-hop hits live! Featuring 1 Tribe Collective, Pierce Freelon, 123 Andres and the Lucky Band.
Velocity—the Next Generation of Irish Dance
April 2 at 7pm
Described by The New York Times as an “energetic intimate history lesson more than a sequined spectacular," Velocity is “a multimedia show for all ages, earnestly tracing the evolution of Irish dance while toying with tradition.” Experience an intimate, no-nonsense jam session of impossible scuffles, shuffles and every time step in between. It is a high-octane celebration of the past, present and future of Irish dance! It’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before! Get tickets
Waipuna—Live in Concert
April 9 at 7pm
Combining powerful musicianship, beautiful harmonies, and deep affection for their Hawaiian roots, eight-time Na Hōkū winners Waipuna share a fresh and contemporary energy that makes them popular favorites as they revitalize tradition for the 21st century. The group is comprised of musicians Kale Hannahs, Matt Sproat, and David Kamakahi. Get tickets
Poets on the Plaza
April 21 at 6pm
In celebration of National Poetry Month. Hosted by Nevada Poet Laureate Gailmarie Pahmeier, seven Nevada artists will perform their written work live.
