November 2020
 Hello District G Residents,
With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, I know many will enjoy gathering with friends and family to celebrate. This year, we are facing a new set of challenges with COVID-19 precautions. I encourage you to be careful and use your best judgement when planning how you will celebrate the holiday. Your actions can help protect your loved ones who may be more vulnerable. If this year has taught us anything, it is to be thankful for our health, to be thankful for our loved ones and to be thankful for our faith that has helped guide us through these difficult times.
The Flu season has just begun in the Las Vegas Valley and I urge you all to get your flu shot. I will be hosting a FREE Flu Shot Clinic at Whitney Community Center on Tuesday, December 1st from 1-4pm. There will be flu shots as well as other services provided to the public. So bring your family! In this newsletter, I have included information about other free flu shot clinics throughout the valley. In addition, I have included some crime prevention tips for the holidays, a Constituent Spotlight for Robert and Sandra Ellis who are outstanding constituents in District G and information on our Sunset Park Cleanup on December 5th.
As always, do not hesitate to email me at ccdistg@clarkcountynv.gov or call my office at (702) 455-5561 with any questions or concerns. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jim.gibson, Instagram @CommishJGibson or Twitter@CommishJGibson.
Last week, I had the privilege of welcoming members at the first meeting of the newly created 1 October Memorial Committee. We are grateful to the members of this committee for contributing their time, talents and experiences to this important endeavor. The work ahead is going to be a journey for the committee members and for anyone and everyone who has been affected by the events of 1 October. Clark County’s goal is to create a memorial to remember those who tragically lost their lives, recognize those who were injured, yet survived, and show appreciation to the first responders who risked their lives to help others. The 1 October Memorial should also be a tribute to the remarkable strength, unity and resiliency our community demonstrated in the face tragedy. For more information regarding the 1 October Memorial Committee, please visit their Facebook page by clicking here.
With the holiday season upon us, we want to help keep you and your family safe. To do this, I thought I'd share a few crime prevention tips from LVMPD. Please click on the below links.
For crime prevention tips for the general public, please click here and for crime prevention tips for businesses, please click here. For additional auto theft prevention tips, please click here.
The Southern Nevada Health District is asking residents to "Show Flu Who’s Boss" this season by getting their flu vaccine. The Health District is hosting no-cost community flu vaccine clinics at area High Schools. Vaccines will be available for both adults and children 6 months of age and older. The clinics will offer 200 doses on a first-come, first-served basis, and no appointments are necessary. For more information, please click here.
With the holidays right around the corner, Robert and Sandra Ellis have already begun planning to make Christmas come true for thousands of students in Clark County, Lincoln County and Humboldt County. Starting with Whitney Elementary School 16 years ago, Robert and Sandra Ellis donated 800 sweatshirts to students with the help of Ileana Drobkin. From there, they have expanded their philanthropic work to provide shoes, socks, and toys to thousands of students at 30 different schools each and every Christmas. When asked why they decided to bring Christmas to those less fortunate, Robert Ellis replied, "This is our Christmas." When the couple married 55 years ago, they knew they wanted to give back to schools and children in need. Once they sold their business, they were able to start making their philanthropic work a reality. Robert and Sandra Ellis do not reserve the spirit of giving back to only the Christmas holiday. Both Robert and Sandra are huge supporters of Nevada State College and have donated over $2.2 million since the school was founded in 2002. They donate to the Athletic Program at McDermitt School in Northern Nevada, Mission High School, Valley High School's JAG Program and many more schools in need throughout Nevada. Robert and Sandra Ellis' philanthropic work continues to grow every year and I, for one, couldn't be more grateful for all that they do to give back.
The Nevada Resilience Project announced the launch of the website NevadaResilienceProject.com as another resource to support Nevadans as we continue to manage the impacts of COVID-19.
The Nevada Resilience Project (NRP) was designed to help individuals experiencing stress or anxiety build coping strategies as well as help with locating resources related to managing job loss, housing insecurity, isolation, or challenges of accessing care.
In addition to the website, NRP is working with local, trusted social services and community providers to embed 39 Resilience Ambassadors in local agencies to serve the diverse needs of each geographic region of the state. Resilience Ambassadors are helping Nevadans build coping strategies, providing educational support and offering referrals. For more information, please visit there website here clicking here.
To read the most recent Directives and Declarations issued by Governor Sisolak in the State of Nevada's response to COVID-19, please click here.
 Paradise Town Advisory Board
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
Whitney Town Advisory Board
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
TAB & CAC Recruitment
Clark County is currently accepting applications from residents of unincorporated towns who are interested in serving on their local advisory board for the next two years.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Nov. 12 and are available through the County website at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov and through the Administrative Services Department, which can be reached at (702) 455-3530 or by email at AdministrativeServices@ClarkCountyNV.gov. TAB and CAC secretaries will also have applications available.
Boulder City Police Department and Animal Control will be holding a public information meeting receive input, hear concerns, and to discuss possible proposed changes to the City Code in relation to animals running at large on Tuesday, November 17th starting at 6pm. You must RSVP to attend. For more information and how to RSVP, please click here.
Please click here for information on COVID-19 testing on Tuesdays through the month of November in Boulder City.
The Clark County Museum, which is home to thousands of artifacts related to the history of the Las Vegas valley, is back open for visitors. Once there, you walk through the many exhibits the Clark County Museum has to offer such as historic houses on Heritage St or the Lines Across the Land - Historic Maps of Southern Nevada Exhibit . If you are unable to visit the museum but still would like to learn a bit a history, you are in luck! The Clark County Museum's curator, Mark Hall-Patton, invites you to their Facebook LIVE Q & A sessions every Wednesday at noon. Visit the Clark County Museum's Facebook page to participate. To learn more about the Clark County Museum, visit Clark County's website by clicking here.
In an effort to standardize and follow FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Clark County Traffic Management has created a quick reference manual for Traffic Control Devices to be used on County roadways.
The Manual may be downloaded by clicking here and will be updated periodically. Addendums will be posted here to supplement the Manual until the next revision is posted.
Request for signs not in the sign manual are to use the form available here and submit it to the Clark County Traffic Manager for review and approval. Justification must provide why a current MUTCD, NDOT, or County sign is not suitable.
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) will close the inside travel lane along southbound Interstate 11 at Paradise Hills Drive from 5 a.m. until 2 p.m., November 12, in Henderson. The temporary lane restriction is needed for safely repairing the center median guardrail.
Motorists should use caution while travelling through the work zone, heed construction signage, and take alternate detour routes, if possible. NDOT works with Waze to inform the public about planned highway restrictions, but unscheduled construction changes, closures and restrictions are possible due to weather or other factors. For the latest state highway conditions, visit nvroads.com or call 511 before driving.
Hoover Dam is a testimony to a country's ability to construct monolithic projects in the midst of adverse conditions. Built during the Depression; thousands of men and their families came to Black Canyon to tame the Colorado River. It took less than five years, in a harsh and barren land, to build the largest dam of its time. Now, years later, Hoover Dam still stands as a world-renowned structure. The Dam is a National Historic Landmark and has been rated by the American Society of Civil Engineers as one of America's Seven Modern Civil Engineering Wonders. For more information about Hoover Dam, please visit the United States Bureau of Reclamation's website by clicking here.
Article from United States Bureau of Reclamation's website. 2/8/17, The Story of Hoover Dam, https://www.usbr.gov/lc/hooverdam/history/storymain.html
The Mission of Clark County Code Enforcement is to promote the preservation, safety and beautification of neighborhoods in Clark County through education, service, and enforcement. Their office is committed to resolving neighborhood issues in an efficient and effective manner. They offer a centralized service to receive citizen complaints, requests to inquiries related to zoning, building, solid waste, sign enforcement, graffiti and other issues regarding the enforcement of Clark County Codes. Clark County Code Enforcement provides a quarterly newsletter with updates and statistics on public response, animal control and graffiti abatement. Click here for their latest newsletter. Want to learn more about Clark County Code Enforcement? Click here.
Interested in Clark County news and updates? You can now sign up to receive updates on the 1 October Memorial, recreational and cultural events and much more. Please click here to see what Clark County has to offer and stay connected.