October 2020
 Hello District G Residents,
Fall is finally here! And with the beginning of Fall, Commissioner Tick Segerblom and I will co-hosting a Fall Job Fair Virtual Series in cooperation with the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), and Workforce Connections’ One-Stop Career Center. The Fall Job Fair Virtual Series will align with local industries, each presenting available job opportunities on specific days throughout the month of October. If you or someone you know might be interested in this four week event, I strongly encourage you to register.
Today, I asked the Board of County Commissioners to approve $175,000 for the Hemenway Park Bighorn Sheep Project. This will help fund improvements at the park including constructing walking trails along with installing paths, watering holes, benches, landscaping and irrigation to help bighorn sheep thrive. The City of Boulder City initially asked that the project be included with Clark County’s package request for SNPLMA funding, however, the project regrettably did not make the final list. With hard work, I was able to find funding so we may continue moving forward with this project. Hemenway Park is located at 401 Ville Drive in Boulder City with breathtaking views of Lake Mead National Recreation Area - National Park Service. I have been taking my children, and now my grandchildren, to Hemenway Park for years! The bighorn sheep are truly majestic animals. No wonder why Nevada designated the Desert Bighorn Sheep as our state animal.
I want to thank the many church leaders from across the valley that reached out to my office and have been an active voice in getting our community back open. As a father, grandfather, and a person of faith, I understand first-hand the need to re-open the doors for all such activities, because now more than ever we need a sense of community and optimism as we continue to overcome the impacts of this pandemic. Your voices have been heard, and I thank all of you, for your continued patience, support and help advocating as we reopen. We will continue to work with the Governor’s office to restore important aspects of life in Southern Nevada.
Many of you might have noticed a different look to my newsletter. You are right! Please scroll through this email to read about important events and new happenings in District G and throughout the valley. Rest assured, my newsletter will still be available on Clark County's website.
As always, do not hesitate to email me at ccdistg@clarkcountynv.gov or call my office at (702) 455-5561 with any questions or concerns. You can also follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/jim.gibson, Instagram @CommishJGibson or Twitter @CommishJGibson.
In remembrance of the third anniversary of 1 October, Clark County will host a 1 October Anniversary Exhibit from Thursday, Oct. 1 through Thursday, Oct. 8, in the Rotunda Gallery, located on the first floor of the Clark County Government Center, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway in downtown Las Vegas. The Government Center is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Staff from the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center will be present in the Rotunda throughout the first day of the exhibit. For the full article and more information about the exhibit, please click here.
Clark County Commissioners Jim Gibson and Tick Segerblom, the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR), and Workforce Connections’ One-Stop Career Center are hosting a Fall Job Fair Virtual Series on four consecutive Thursdays in October at 3:30 p.m. each day: Oct. 8, 15, 22, and 29.
Job seekers, as well as local businesses/agencies looking to hire new employees should register online now through Workforce Connections’ One-Stop Career Center at www.nvcareercenter.org/fall2020. The job fair is free. However, registration is required in order to participate. Interested attendees also can call (702) 822-4200 for information.
Have you participated in our Transform Clark County Survey yet? If not, please click on the link below to take our survey. It will be open through October 31. The survey is available at https://www.transformclarkcounty.com/. Click on “Take a survey!” on the upper righthand corner of the page. |
The Southern Nevada Health District has issued guidelines to trick or treaters, homeowners and parents to help everyone have a fun and safe Halloween this year. Please click here for a copy of their flyer and safety tips.
UMC announced today that the hospital has experienced a significant decline in COVID-19 patients in recent weeks. In addition, UMC’s dedicated COVID-19 testing laboratory now provides test results in an average of 12 hours after receiving the sample in UMC’s lab.
UMC’s COVID-19 inpatient census has decreased by about 73 percent since late July, reaching a daily high of 121 patients before declining to the current daily inpatient total of 33 patients with confirmed cases of the virus.
Similarly, UMC has experienced a sharp drop in the number of people seeking emergency care for COVID-19-related complaints each day, with daily totals declining by nearly 90 percent since the peak. On July 21, a total of 79 patients visited UMC’s emergency departments for COVID-19 assessments. The most recent daily total shows that this number has decreased to only eight patients. For more information, please click here.
Home Means Nevada, Inc. (HMN), a state-affiliated nonprofit organization that administers certain functions of the Foreclosure Mediation Program, has launched a new, innovative tool for struggling Nevada homeowners as part of its ongoing COVID-19 response initiative. Utilizing the existing foreclosure mediation portal, HMN has added The Homeowner Connect (THOC), a one-stop resource for homeowners experiencing financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic. THOC can be accessed through the HMN website at http://www.homemnv.org/. |
To read the most recent Directives and Declarations issued by Governor Sisolak in the State of Nevada's response to COVID-19, please click here. |
 Paradise Town Advisory Board
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
Whitney Town Advisory Board
Click here for the most recent agenda, minutes and audio.
TAB & CAC Recruitment
Clark County is currently accepting applications from residents of unincorporated towns who are interested in serving on their local advisory board for the next two years.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Nov. 12 and are available through the County website at www.ClarkCountyNV.gov and through the Administrative Services Department, which can be reached at (702) 455-3530 or by email at AdministrativeServices@ClarkCountyNV.gov. TAB and CAC secretaries will also have applications available.
The Clark County Commission appointed the 1 October Memorial Committee to gather input from the public and develop recommendations for a permanent memorial to remember those who perished in the events of 1 October 2017, to honor the many heroes who inspired the nation with their bravery and all those whose lives were changed forever, and to celebrate resiliency and compassion of our community. For information, please visit Clark County's website by clicking here.
Seeing Orange Construction Projects is an interactive website that allows the public to learn about projects in their neighborhoods including construction type, start date and estimated completion date. This includes projects in Clark County as well as other jurisdictions throughout the valley. Please visit their website at https://gis.rtcsnv.com/seeingorange/ to learn more about the construction projects in your neighborhood. |
 The Food truck Frenzy is on! Clark County Parks and Recreation along with Food Truck Frenzy presents our Community Center Parking Lot takeover which will start visiting parks valley-wide.
Each location will be available for dinner from 4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. featuring 2-3 local food truck establishments (per location) offering a variety of custom cuisines daily. Admission and parking into the event are free and open to all ages. Social distancing guidelines will apply. No-on site tables or chairs will be available.
Great news for parents! Clark County Parks and Recreation's School Daze Program is still accepting application. There is room available at Whitney Community Center for new students. In addition, Clark County has received funding through the CARES Act to support families enrolling students in the School Daze program. Any student who qualifies for free or reduced lunch through the Clark County School District may attend the School Daze Program for FREE. Free enrollment qualification begins at time of first registration with required documents to qualify.For information about the program and how to apply, please visit their website by clicking here. |
Battle Born Kids and Teens are recreation programs that support distance learning. Participants are assigned to groups that will ensure social distancing is maintained throughout the activities.
$20 per child, per day. All registration is subject to space availability. Visit cityofhenderson.com/battleborn for more information.
Activities may include games, crafts, physical fitness, music, virtual field trips, movies and sports. Water-related activities may take place outside. Swimming pools may be used. All activities will follow social distancing guidelines.
City of Henderson has launched the Henderson Recovery Grant Program to help residents impacted by COVID-19 pay for childcare, utilities and educational internet. For information on the program and access to the application, please click here. |
William Andrews Clark was a teacher, soldier, mining baron, entrepreneur, salesman, Montana Senator, railroad magnate … and one of the earliest developers of Las Vegas. In order to shorten the time it took to get the ore from his mines to the factories and shipyards on the west coast, he followed the suggestion of his younger brother, J. Ross Clark, and built the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad. He decided that the Las Vegas valley would be a perfect spot for a major depot and staging area for the railroad. In January 1905, Clark and his brother auctioned off over 600 subdivided lots for businesses and homes on 2,000 acres just east of the new train station. The subdivision was called the Clark Las Vegas Townsite and the auction that created it is considered the birth of Las Vegas. When the County was created from a portion of Lincoln County 4 years later, it was named Clark in honor of this founding father of our community.
 The County Treasurer's office bills and collects taxes on all real property in Clark County. The office distributes the tax dollars to the various taxing entities including the state, county, school district, cities, libraries and other special districts.
In addition, the office bills and collects special assessments on properties that are within special improvement districts funded by the County. Improvements could include such things as streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lighting, sewer line, water lines, or landscaping.
The office is also responsible for the receipt and disbursement of County revenues and administers banking services. Available monies are invested, maintaining sufficient liquidity to ensure that the daily cash flow needs of the County are met. The office conducts public auctions for the sale of tax delinquent property and holds certificate sales on property with delinquent special assessment payments. It also oversees the auction of personal property from the Sheriff's evidence vault. For information about the Clark County Treasurer's office, please visit their by clicking here.
Clark County recently launched a new and innovative website. The website features frequently visited pages for residents, visitors and businesses looking to explore and do business in Clark County. You can visit the website yourself by clicking here and discover what Clark County Nevada has to offer.