Bringing Connectivity to Your Community
August 2024
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion is dedicated to serving New Mexico with a commitment to make high-speed broadband accessible to all New Mexicans. OBAE’s mission is to expand and improve high-speed internet service with passionate leadership that drives bold, equitable, affordable and inclusive broadband solutions. OBAE works with local, state and federal entities to seek results that honor the state’s rich heritage and elevate quality of life for all.
From the Director's Chair
Last month OBAE continued to see steady growth in all of its key programs. Nineteen ARPA projects across New Mexico are moving forward, and $40 million in state grants were awarded through the Connect New Mexico Fund. More GWEP awards are just around the corner, and the Statewide Education Network celebrated its big launch in Albuquerque. Our biggest program, BEAD, is also making progress. It’s been a busy August, but there’s still a lot to do, and we continue to forge ahead in our crucial mission to help expand broadband and connect all of New Mexico.
High-Speed Happenings
New Mexico Awards $40 million in State Grants Through the Connect New Mexico Fund to Help Deploy Broadband Infrastructure
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion has just awarded more than $40 million in state grants to internet service providers, telephone cooperatives, pueblos and a tribal company to deploy broadband across the state. The grants are being released through the state’s Connect New Mexico Fund. That $70 million state-led broadband grant program is designed to expand high-speed internet access and deploy infrastructure to unserved and underserved communities. An underserved area is one that has access to a broadband connection less than 100 download/20 Mbps upload.
“These state grants signify tremendous progress towards building reliable broadband infrastructure that helps connect communities in rural parts of New Mexico,” said Gov. Lujan Grisham. “New Mexicans can rest assured that my administration will remain aggressive about delivering scalable and sustainable high-speed internet to broadband-dry areas of the state.”
The grantees include Comcast Corporation, Resound Networks, Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative, Valley Telephone Cooperative, Isleta Pueblo, Picuris Pueblo and San Ildefonso Services, the business arm of the San Ildefonso Pueblo.
Connect New Mexico Fund grants awarded:
Comcast Corporation $12,532,773 (4 projects) Resound Networks $8,100,000 (3 projects) Valley Telephone Cooperative $5,682,261 Penasco Valley Telephone Cooperative $4,858,602 (2 projects) Picuris Pueblo $4,072,430 San Ildefonso Services, LLC $3,474,312 Isleta Pueblo $1,554,891
Total awards: $40,275,269
The state grants will be used for broadband deployment in 16 counties throughout the state. Nearly 400 miles of fiber will be constructed to complete the projects. Construction will begin as soon as awardees complete preliminary work including permitting, right of way access, labor contracts and supply purchases.
OBAE is planning to award more Connect New Mexico Fund state grants soon, totaling millions of dollars.
Public Comment Period Begins on PAUs in the Federal BEAD Program
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion is now seeking public comments through September 30 in the next step of the federal Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program.
The public comments will center on draft Project Area Units (PAU), regions across the state for which stakeholders will bid for BEAD funding for broadband projects. PAUs were designed using existing administrative boundaries, including Tribal lands, school districts, census blocks and tracts, and high-cost areas defined by NTIA.
The public is encouraged to provide feedback on the PAUs.
Stakeholders and others can view the draft PAU boundaries and public comment materials on OBAE’s website. There, you’ll be able to download documents, fill out forms and upload comments back to OBAE. OBAE wants to know if there are any issues in these PAUs that might deter applicants from applying or impede broadband deployment and how changing the PAU boundaries could resolve such issues.
Entities that plan to apply for BEAD projects are encouraged to participate in this public comment process; however, participation is non-binding and not a requirement to receive BEAD funds. Local governments, Tribal communities, non-profits, internet service providers, cooperatives and other entities are eligible to apply for BEAD grants to deploy infrastructure projects. The PAUs will be finalized after the public comment period and after federal officials approve OBAE's BEAD Challenge Process results. OBAE tentatively plans to finalize the PAU design in mid-October.
Federal officials last month approved OBAE’s BEAD Initial Proposal, clearing the way for the State to begin its process to award $675 million for broadband projects. BEAD projects will provide broadband infrastructure to New Mexico’s unserved areas.
If you have any questions, please contact OBAE at broadband@connect.nm.gov.
Statewide Education Network Celebrates Launch With Festive Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Albuquerque Charter School |
 Ovidiu Viorica, Broadband and Technology Manager at the Statewide Education Network (SEN), cuts the ribbon to launch the broadband network with state dignitaries and students at the 21st Century Public Academy in Albuquerque
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion and state dignitaries last month celebrated the launch of the Statewide Education Network. The school-centric high-speed internet will link students in public schools statewide. New Mexico's Public Education Secretary, Dr. Arsenio Romero, Lt. Gov. Howie Morales and APS Superintendent Dr. Gabriella Blakey, Lumen Technologies and other service providers took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the special occasion.
(Left) Lt. Governor Howie Morales speaking at the ribbon cutting
(Left) Lumen Vice President Michelle Watson
“This network will give students across New Mexico the technological tools to share information and programs, providing new possibilities to engage students and teachers and to improve the quality of learning,” said Drew Lovelace, Acting Director of OBAE.
(Right) NM Secretary of Education, Dr. Arsenio Romero
The ceremony happened at 21st Century Public Academy in Albuquerque, the first of several charter schools in Albuquerque to join the network. Nearly 50 schools are already plugged into the broadband network which will eventually link public schools across the state. The broadband network will allow students to share classes, resources, libraries and access many educational websites.
More than 200 public schools across the state are considering linking to the school-centric network.
(Right) Ovidiu Viorica of SEN addresses the crowd
“SEN will allow the delivery of a technology-rich curriculum that, in turn, will open the doors to a world of business and carrier opportunities,” said Ovidiu Viorica, Statewide Education Network Broadband and Technology Manager.
Lumen Technologies provided an internet backbone of nearly 900 miles of high-speed fiber to K-12 schools across the state. Viorica says SEN is excited to be working with Lumen and other national and local providers.
“Our work with the New Mexico Statewide Education Network is part of Lumen’s commitment to unleash the power of our massive fiber network to bridge the digital divide, foster digital inclusivity and create new opportunities for all Americans to thrive in today’s interconnected world,” said Lumen Vice President Michelle Watson.
The network is optional for schools, but OBAE notes it would take the internet administrative burden away from school districts, allowing them to focus on instruction. There is no cost for schools to join the network.
OBAE Acting Director Drew Lovelace speaks at the ceremony
SEN, which plans to connect all public schools by 2027, will supervise daily operations and provide cybersecurity for the network.
FCC Approves $500,000 for Statewide Education Network Operations
Just after the ribbon cutting, the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE) learned that the Federal Communications Commission had green-lighted more than $500,000 to go toward operations of the Statewide Education Network (SEN).
The federal funding comes from the FCC’s Schools & Libraries USF Program, known as the E-rate program, which helps schools nationwide obtain internet service.
“This funding is a tremendous financial shot in the arm,” said Ovidiu Viorica, Statewide Education Network Broadband and Technology Manager. “These federal dollars will help set this network on a path of sustainability for many years to come.”
The FCC funds supplement approximately $4 million in annual state funding for SEN operations. The state’s financial responsibility will be reduced as future federal revenue is approved.
Each year OBAE applies for federal funds through the E-rate program for SEN to pay for internet service providers, maintain the broadband infrastructure and guarantee “last mile” broadband connections to schools. OBAE plans to apply for increased funding next year to help further defray state costs.
Viorica said the FCC funding will help provide broadband service and operations for up to 300 schools. SEN hopes to have 840 public schools connected to the network by 2027.
OBAE Staff Attends 2nd Annual ABQNOG
Members of the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion took part in the 2nd annual ABQNOG last month. Experts from the Southwestern United States participated in the technical conference. Broadband leaders and network experts rubbed elbows as they addressed key issues and interacted on the future of broadband. The purpose of the conference was for network and other professionals to exchange ideas and learn about developing technologies. Participants included network operators and other professionals working in this field.
 Dozens of broadband technical experts gathered at the 2nd annual ABQNOG in Albuquerque
 OBAE'S Alex Trujillo, Eric Moores and Ovidiu Viorica at ABQNOG
$3.6 Million Still Available in State GWEP Awards
OBAE’s Grant Writing, Engineering and Planning program is urging tribal governments, local governments, rural telephone cooperatives and rural electric cooperatives to submit for assistance grants.
There is $3.6 million still available in grants.
To submit for a grant, CLICK HERE.
For more information about GWEP, CLICK HERE.
The GWEP program grants will be used by the awardees for such things as grant writing, engineering and planning. These grants can also be used to attain other grants, like the federal Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program. Awardees will use the funds to help provide broadband infrastructure, planning services and broadband engineering/design projects.
All GWEP awards are assistance and not merit grants, and the money must go toward infrastructure. Internet Service Providers are not eligible to apply for GWEP dollars.
There's Still Time to Apply For Digital Equity Competitive Grant Funding
The Office of Broadband Access and Expansion wants to remind everyone that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration has released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for funds for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program. That means applicants may seek federal funding through this digital equity program.
Applications are due September 23, 2024.
To apply CLICK HERE.
For more information on the NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant program and to register for webinars, please CLICK HERE
if you have any questions, please contact Neala Krueger at OBAE at Neala.Krueger@connect.nm.gov
GWEP Tribal Awardees Grant Kickoff
OBAE continues its unrelenting commitment to assist Tribes by working with pueblos that received GWEP grants. Last month OBAE invited representatives of the five tribal awardees and two providers that serve Tribes to its Albuquerque office to explain the grant process. OBAE helped them learn about the reimbursement process, timetables and important information about documentation. |
Tribal Governors Address Broadband
And broadband was among topics addressed at the All Pueblo Council of Governors meeting at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center in Albuquerque last month. More than a dozen governors attended the gathering, which focused on a number of topics and tribal resolutions. Acoma Pueblo Governor Randall Vicente spoke up about the importance of broadband during the meeting.
Tribal Learning Tours Assist Pueblos With Broadband Opportunities
OBAE staff traveled around the state last month to help educate tribal communities about broadband opportunities and grant applications. They joined Indian Affairs Secretary Josett Monette and others during a series of Learning Tours. The group visited Nations, Pueblos and Tribes to spend the day learning more about each community. They discussed several topics with tribal members such as broadband infrastructure, healthcare and education. Visits included the Pueblo of Tesuque, Mescalero Apache Tribe, Pueblo of Laguna, Pueblo of Cochiti and Jicarilla Apache Nation. |
(Above from left to right) Gov. Milton Herrera, Indian Affairs Secretary Josett Monette, Tesuque School Leaders and Jamerson Ray Tafoya, IAD Policy & Government Relations Director, visit the Pueblo of Tesuque as part of the IAD Secretary’s Learning Tours.
OBAE Attends 10th Annual Mountain Connect Conference
OBAE's Acting Director Drew Lovelace and BEAD Coordinator Andrew Wilder connected with other broadband experts and leaders at the 10th annual Mountain Connect conference in Denver last month. The 3-day conference was a regional gathering where industry leaders discussed the future of broadband and, in particular, the federal government’s $42.5 billion BEAD investment.
Lovelace and Wilder said that Mountain Connect was a great opportunity to interface with other state broadband offices, NTIA, and regional industry partners as all prepare for a year of execution for BEAD. Lovelace spoke on several panels, as did Bo Ford of the NM State Library.
Upcoming Events
Cabinet in Your Community Comes to Mescalero and Ruidoso
OBAE Acting Director Drew Lovelace and staff members will take part in Gov. Lujan Grisham's Cabinet in Your Community events in Mescalero and Ruidoso on September 20 and 21.
Cabinet in Your Community provides the Governor and her Cabinet an opportunity to visit communities and speak to constituents as part of their outreach program to help residents learn about available state and federal resources. Cabinet members and other state leaders will help people connect with various services to get the support they need. Those include Medicaid, unemployment benefits, career counseling, and more.
This is a particularly important visit by state leaders in the wake of the recent fires and floods in that area.
The event begins in Mescalero on Friday, September 20 and will be held at The Inn of the Mountain Gods Event Center, 287 Carrizo Canyon Rd., Mescalero NM 88340. From 3-7pm a Department/Agency expo will allow residents to meet state officials and get information. At 5:30pm the Governor and Cabinet will lead a town hall meeting.
On Saturday, Cabinet in Your Community will move to Ruidoso at the ENMU Ruidoso Campus, 709 Mechem Dr., Ruidoso NM 88345. The service expo will run from 11am-4pm. The town hall will start at 1pm.
Digital Equity Summit in Albuquerque
The New Mexico Broadband Digital Equity Summit will take place on Friday September 27 from 9:30am-3pm at the National Hispanic Cultural Center located at 1701 4th St SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. The event is free and open to the public and hosted by the Connect New Mexico Digital Equity Working Group with support from the City of Albuquerque, the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion (OBAE), NM State Library, HELP NM, and other stakeholders. Broadband experts and local leaders will lead discussions, panels and workshops that highlight digital inclusion efforts and address current and future best practices to support digital equity efforts in New Mexico.
NTIA Joint Cohort Summit
OBAE staff will take part in the NTIA’s Joint Cohort Summit next month. It will be held in Portland, OR, September 17-19 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront. The summit brings together the State Broadband Leaders Network (SBLN), the Digital Equity Leaders Network (DELN) and the Tribal Broadband Leaders Network (TBLN). The event is free. To reserve a spot, CLICK HERE.
NTTA's Tribal Broadband Summit
OBAE will also have representatives at the NTTA’s Tribal Broadband Summit. That will be held in Chandler, AZ, September 23 – 25 at the Wildhorse Pass Resort & Casino. The Summit brings together Tribal attendees, grant applicants, grant awardees, and industry experts to explore and discuss key elements that are essential to advancing tribal broadband infrastructure.
To register for the Summit, CLICK HERE.
OBAE on the Air
Acting Director Drew Lovelace appeared on KRWG FM Radio Public Media to talk about OBAE's mission and goals. Lovelace talked about the agency's programs, successes and the future impact these programs will be having on communities across the state.
Lovelace and Statewide Education Network's Broadband and Technology Manager Ovidiu Viorica spoke to Bob Clark at KKOB last month about the recent launch of the Network and how schools are being connected. They also discussed OBAE's mission and how the agency is helping to expand broadband. |
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or comments for OBAE please email them to:
Or you can call OBAE at: (505) 690-2128
Connect with us on Facebook
OBAE Team:
Connect NM Pilot Program ARPA Coordinator Angelo Jaramillo
Grant Programs and Compliance Manager (GWEP) Eric Rodgers
Mapping--Geospatial Information Officer Natalie Runyan
Project Manager Bureau Chief Richard Govea
Statewide Education Network Broadband and Technology Manager Ovidiu Viorica
Public Relations Coordinator Mike Curtis
 Drew Lovelace Acting Director New Mexico Office of Broadband Access and Expansion
If you have questions about any of these opportunities, please contact us via email at Broadband@doit.nm.gov.
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Office of Broadband Access and Expansion | 715 Alta Vista St, Santa Fe, NM 87505