Many policies and resources are new and updated today, November 1.
All providers are expected to read, understand, and follow Medicaid 1915(i) policies.
Policies with significant rewrites are noted with *NEW* November 2024. Contact Mandy Dendy, temporary 1915(i) Administrator, with any questions or feedback.
Plan on attending the November 6 Office Hours if you have questions about the updated policies. Download Office Hours invite.
Service authorizations for Traditional Medicaid (non-Expansion) members are no longer required for dates of service beginning November 1. |
A new Plan of Care template is now active in Therap.
You can select care coordination as a service under the Goals/Service sections to document member care coordination goals and to satisfy Expansion precertification requirements until those requirements end.
A new Case Note template is now active in Therap. This template requires a time duration. This is the duration (start time and stop time) of the service you are documenting, NOT the time spent documenting the service.
As a reminder, documentation outside plan of care documentation is not billable - i.e. time spent documenting peer support case notes is not billable.
Email with any questions or concerns about these templates.
Case notes and documentation should contain the following information:
- The member's name and date of birth
- Documentation should show the who, what, when, where, and how of every service.
Who rendered the service, who received the service, and whether the member is present for the service
What the service was/is and what happened
When the service occurred (date and start and stop time)
Where the service was/is rendered
How the service relates to the member's plan of care goal(s) or is within the scope of care coordination
- The rendering provider's signature. Claims that do not have signed records are considered noncovered.
Therap case notes require entry of the service date, service start and stop time, and records the entering service provider (who should be the rendering service provider). You will also select whether the service was rendered face-to-face (meaning the member was present).
Non-Therap case note users: Please ensure your agency's case note templates contain the above information and providers are properly documenting services.
Questions about what should go into case notes?
Each service policy has a sample case note in the documentation section. See individual service policies for more information.