Pandemic – Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) for the 2022 – 2023 School Year
North Carolina Public Schools sent this bulletin at 08/15/2022 10:30 AM EDTPrincipals and PIOs:
The Office of School Nutrition has been notified by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) that student P-EBT will continue until the national public health emergency ends. Students are eligible for P-EBT food assistance benefits if (1) they attend a school that is approved to participate in the NSLP and if (2) they are approved for free or reduced-price school meals. Students deemed eligible for free or reduced-price meals were directly certified or categorically eligible for meal benefits, attended a school that participated in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) or had an approved household application for meal benefits.
Student attendance was used to determine the exact amount of P-EBT benefits for eligible students. During School Year 2021 – 2022, student benefits were determined based on individual student attendance records. Specifically, students who were absent for any COVID-related illness or condition, were coded using a PowerSchool attendance code of “1-D.”
While the USDA has not issued guidance for the coming school year, we anticipate P-EBT issuance for the coming year will be similar to the process for the prior year.
With this in mind, please remind teachers to record student attendance for any COVID-related absence with a PowerSchool Code of 1-D for the coming year. Accurate coding of COVID-related absences with a 1-D code will ensure eligible students receive the exact amount of P-EBT food assistance or which they are eligible.
We will keep you informed as we learn more from the USDA’s 2022 – 2023 guidance and from the State-approved plan for issuing P-EBT.