COAST Users: Credential Update Required
New Hanover County, North Carolina sent this bulletin at 02/07/2024 02:55 PM ESTAttention New Hanover County Contractors and COAST Portal Users,
On Friday, February 16, the COAST Permit Portal will receive a security enhancement. The two-factor authentication process will require all users to perform a one-time update to your login credentials. Access instructions are below.
• Select "Don't have an account? Sign up" at the bottom of the permit portal page. You must choose this even if you are already an active COAST user.
• You will see options to sign in with various email providers. Please disregard this portion and go directly to "Sign up" as if you were creating a new account.
• Fill out the necessary information fields. Be sure to use the same email address that you currently use to login to the COAST portal. You will receive a verification code in your email inbox.
• Enter the verification code from your email and click "verify." This will complete your registration.
Questions? Email or call 910-798-7308.