2465 Gillespie Street Fayetteville, NC 28306
Contact: Renarta C. Moyd Communications Manager, Communications and Community Engagement Phone: 910-678-2307 Email: renartac@ccs.k12.nc.us
For Immediate Release: April 23, 2024
Mental Health & Wellness Fair Returns for Another Year of 'Making A Difference'
Event organizers expect hundreds more fairgoers than last year
Fayetteville, N.C. — In its second year, the Cumberland County Schools' It's OK 2 Ask: Children's Mental Health & Wellness Fair is looking to draw even more community supporters than last year.
In observance of Children's Mental Health Awareness Week (May 5-11), the district's Student Services department is hosting the mental health and awareness fair on Saturday, May 4 from 8-11 a.m. in Festival Park, located in Downtown Fayetteville.
The event is geared toward spreading awareness about the importance of children's mental health and the need for services that support recovery, resilience and success for youth.
"Everyone goes through something and needs help from others or access to resources at some time in their life," said Dr. Natasha Scott, the executive director of CCS Student Services. "The Children's Mental Health and Wellness Fair aims to be a fun way to promote healthy mental health, link families to community resources and combat the stigma around mental health."
Dr. Scott said the event includes a one-mile walk for suicide prevention around Downtown Fayetteville, a video gaming truck, a food truck, a bicycle rodeo, a car seat safety check station, a fire truck and more. Also, more than 40 community agencies will be on hand to share information about their services. Along with deejayed music, there will be fitness performances onstage and yoga on the lawn.
"Mental health is a continuum that ranges from healthy to illness, and everything in between," said Dr. Scott. "We have to take care of our mental health the same way we take care of our physical health."
For more information about It's OK 2 Ask: Children's Mental Health & Wellness Fair check out Cumberland County Schools' Facebook page.