Explore virtual and in-person training options on our CSPD website. Some upcoming MTSS and Evidence-based Practices trainings are also highlighted below.
Tuesday Virtual Series December 3, 2024 - February 25, 2025 | 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Presented by: Katie Kinder & Josh Varner
Participants will explore the brain science behind development, how trauma and toxic stress can impact that development, and learn strategies for helping students navigate these impacts. Participants will leave with a better understanding of emotional regulation and the classroom strategies that work to assist students in navigating their stress response systems. These strategies support all students.
12/3 Be Their Hero: Trauma Informed care Part #1
Two out of every three students in the United States are impacted by a traumatic event. When students experience trauma or an extremely stressful situation, it's normal and natural for them to have a hard time coping afterward. I'm passionate about teaching educators how to support individuals impacted by trauma. I specialize in inspiring teachers so that they can support these students and be the hero in their life journey.
12/10 Be Their Hero: Trauma Informed care Part #2
Presenter: Carrie Cole
MTSS - Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3
Virtual | Tuesdays January 14, 2025 to February 25, 2025 | 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Academic vocabulary is one of the best predictors of scholastic achievement and overall reading comprehension, yet educators face the challenge of profound differences in vocabulary knowledge among the students they teach. By focusing on vocabulary strategies with the highest effect sizes for increasing student achievement, educators can boost learning for ALL students through simply rethinking how vocabulary is presented in the classroom, without a lot of additional prep time. This training will focus on easy-to-plan, high-impact strategies that can be used to strengthen vocabulary instruction and student learning in any content area or academic discipline. Educators will walk away armed with strategies to increase student vocabulary size and learning of course content—a win-win for students and teachers alike!
Session 1: Academic Language and the Importance of Productive Language Opportunities (Jan. 14, 2025)
Session 2: Word Selection and Explicit Teaching of Specific Words (Jan. 21, 2025)
Session 3: Word Learning Strategies to Prompt Independent Word Learning (Jan. 28, 2025)
Session 4: Using Morphology to Build and Expand Word Networks (Feb. 4, 2025)
Session 5: Fostering Word Consciousness to Deepen Word Learning (Feb. 18, 2025)
Session 6: Effective Lesson Planning for Vocabulary Instruction (Feb. 25, 2025)
January 15, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Havre Best Western Inn & Suites
Presented by: Stephanie Lester
Join us for a comprehensive 6-hour training designed specifically for PK-2nd grade teachers, focusing on building and reinforcing foundational math skills in young learners. This two-part session, "Making It All Add Up!," will equip educators with the knowledge, strategies, and hands-on resources needed to ensure every child develops a strong mathematical foundation.
Part 1: Developing Children’s Number Sense
Part 2: Math EVERY Day for EVERY Child!
Presented by: Jessica Minahan
January 23, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. | Great Falls Hampton Inn
With up to one in four children struggling with anxiety in this country, overwhelmed adults are in need of a new approach as well as an effective and easy-to-implement toolkit of strategies that work. Through the use of case studies, humorous stories, and examples of common challenging situations, participants will learn easy to implement preventive tools, strategies, and interventions for reducing anxiety, increasing self-regulation, accurate thinking, and self-monitoring in students.
APRIL 2-3, 2025 | BUTTE, MT
June 16-19, 2025 | MSU CAMPUS, BOZEMAN, MT
Questions regarding MTSS in Montana:
Check out our OPI MTSS webpage or reach out to:
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.