Language and Culture
Amba daya mitaguyabi! (Good day my relations!/Nakoda)
Here are some phrases you might here in Blackfeet this month: Áísstoyiimsstaa (January) "Causes cold weather" Aaksikssoopoo "there will be a chinook wind" ohtoissamm "check on someone"
We at the Tribal Student Achievement and Relations Unit are excited to help bring to you a series a Language and Culture knowledge keepers from tribes across Montana. Our venerated language speakers will be joining us via Zoom to explore language teachings, methodologies and resources to help transfer this valuable knowledge to the youth and more! Please join us from 4-5pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, in addition to the excellent IEFA webinars hosted by Jennifer Stadum on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Here are few of the speakers coming up and more to be announced!
- January 30-Vernon Finley (Kootenai)
- February 13- Terry Brockie (Aaniiih)
- February 27-Melanie Sandoval (Salish)
- March 12-Shaylea Tatsey (Amskapi Pikuni)
- March 26-Gerald Gray Sr. (Little Shell Chippewa)
- Tba speakers: Robert Hall (Amskapi Pikuni) and more
- Tba dates: April 9, 23, 30 May 14
Join the meeting:
Tribal leaders across the state have been hard at work to develop frameworks for their respective languages. If you are interested in learning more, consider contacting the local tribal education committees or leaders who may have resources to help support the inclusion of tribally specific language and culture. In addition, our team at the state has been working to update the standards related to World Languages as well as frameworks for whole child learning that are great auxiliary components for consideration in your education settings
Thank you and hope to see you at a webinar soon!
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