State School Payments
The January State School Funding Payments for FY 2024 are posted at the following link: State School Payments
The January 26, 2024 payments include: Direct State Aid, Quality Educator Component, At Risk Component, Indian Education for All, Student Achievement Gap, Data for Achievement, Special Education and Indian Language Immersion payment.
If you have questions regarding payments, please contact Laci Novark (406) 444-4401
State School Entitlements
The State School Funding Payments Entitlement for FY 2024 were posted at the following link: State School Payments>Entitlements
For more information, please contact Laci Novark, at (406) 444-4401 or contact us by email at
Emergency School Closures
With the extremely cold temperatures in Montana, some school districts around the state are closed, while others are open. This is a local decision based on the needs of the community. Information on Emergency School Closures can be found on the School Finance Webpage. The document is titled “School District Closures – Unforeseen Emergencies”
It is important to be familiar with the laws but a couple of important reminders are as follows:
Trustees should notify the County Superintendent of Schools and the OPI as soon as a school district closure has been declared.
Trustees may close school for 1 school day each year for unforeseen emergencies that is not subject to a state funding reduction 20-9-806(2), MCA.
If a school has an emergency closure for longer than the one-day exception, the Trustees may later adopt a resolution that a reasonable effort has been made to reschedule the pupil-instruction time lost. Not taking this action could result in a reduction to the schools District’s BASE aid.
Adherence to the statutes is necessary to prevent reduction of state entitlement funding for the district.
Please sent notice to the OPI at or call or Amanda Zigan at 406-444-3096 or Barb Quinn at 406-444-3249.
Impact Aid Applications - due January 31st
The US Department of Education has opened the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS) for FY 2025 applications:
The Impact Aid section 7002 and section 7003 applications for Fiscal Year 2024 are now available online in the Impact Aid Grant System (IAGS). The application submission deadline for the Section 7002 and Section 7003 applications is 1/31/2024 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. We urge you to begin working on your application well before the deadline. Do not wait until the last minute.
Log in to the Impact Aid Grant System [] to start your application. You will find the link to start your application on the Home page.
We have a number of helpful tools available on our IAGS Training [] and Resources [] pages to help you submit your application. In particular, please review the Section 7002 Application Instructions [] and Section 7003 Application Instructions []. If you need a refresher on IAGS account set up and how to complete an application, see our new slide deck, A Guide to Submitting a 7003 Application in the IAGS [].
Applications submitted after the deadline, but before 4/1/2024 incur a 10 percent payment reduction penalty. Don’t let this happen to you!
Data sheets to assist with the completion of the application may be found here: Impact Aid
For more information, please contact Andrea Mohammadi at (406) 444-1960, or contact us by email at
Spring Student Count - February 5, 2024
The official fall count day is Monday, February 5, 2024. Your data must be certified in Infinite Campus before you can submit in MAEFAIRS, however you will not be able to submit to OPI until February 6, 2024. You may import as many times as necessary before submitting your final data. You are encouraged to submit your enrollment as early as possible. The sooner you provide your data, the sooner we can prepare the documents you need to start your budgeting process. Student Count for ANB reports must be submitted to the MAEFAIRS system no later than February 13, 2024.
For AIM assistance please contact – Nicole Thuotte, AIM Unit Manager at 406-444-2080.
Questions: For ANB questions or to correct submitted data, please contact: Andrea Mohammadi, 406-444-1960. Or contact me by email at
Compensation Expenditures Reporting – PAST DUE
Compensation Expenditures reporting is a process set up to assist schools with their responsibilities to be transparent with the use of public funds in accordance with 20-7-104, MCA. This reporting collects and reports information pertaining to all salaries paid to employees in the district in a fiscal year. Compensation Expenditure reports must be submitted by December 10th for the previous fiscal year’s data. Districts will be required to complete the compensation expenditures in TEAMS to finalize the fiscal year 2023 process. You will need to log into TEAMS to complete, this will be located at the bottom of the System tab called “Compensation Expenditure TOE.”
If you do not have access to TEAMS or are having troubles logging in, please contact
MAEFAIRS is now available to report the FY2023 Compensation Expenditure Report. The Compensation Expenditure report is due to the Office of Public Instruction (OPI) by December 10th, 2023. The FY2023 Compensation Expenditure Reporting Instructions are available on the OPI Website.
For questions regarding Compensation Expenditure Reporting within MAEFAIRS please contact: Alivia Skeslien-Jenkins, 406-444-1964, Laci Novark, 406-444-4401 or contact us by email at
Funding for Significant Enrollment Increases (SEI)
The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) is providing this notice of HB 36 (2023 Legislative session) that revises the funding for significant enrollment increases. HB 36 modifies section 20-9-166, MCA, to allow significant enrollment increase (SEI) payments as described below. It also repeals 20-9-314, MCA, which provided procedures for determining eligibility and the amount of increased average number belonging (ANB) due to unusual enrollment increase.
The SEI Calculation worksheet can be found on the School Finance website under State School Payments>Entitlements
In general, the SEI payment eligibility process is described in the bill as follows:
- School districts that experience an enrollment increase based on the October enrollment count in the current year converted to ANB must be greater than the budget limitation ANB for the fiscal year three years prior by 110%.
- The SEI payment is described in HB 36 as an amount that is the difference between 80% of the district’s total per-ANB entitlement for that fiscal year using the most current October enrollment count minus the “absorption factor”, and 80% of the district’s initial per-ANB entitlement for that fiscal year.
- The absorption factor is defined as an ANB amount rounded to the nearest whole number equal to the sum of five ANB plus 3% of the district’s budget limit ANB for that fiscal year.
The timeline for the SEI payment is as follows:
By December 1st each year following the October enrollment count, the OPI must determine the school districts that qualify for a SEI payment.
By December 15th of each year, the OPI must notify schools of their eligibility for a SEI payment.
No later than March 1st, the trustees of a SEI payment qualifying district are to notice OPI of acceptance of all or partial amount of the allowable SEI payment. This is done by passing a general fund budget amendment.
As soon as passed, the school district general fund budget amendment must be provided to the OPI.
Upon successful completion of the budget amendment process, the OPI will begin distribution of the SEI payments using appropriation authority from the BASE aid appropriation in HB 2. This payment will be distributed to schools by the OPI in the following months along with the direct state aid payment.
With the regularly scheduled June payment, all distributions of the SEI payment will be complete for the fiscal year.
The Budget Amendment Packet is located on our website to help you with your budget amendment timelines and requirements.
If you have question about this process or need assistance, please call Alivia Skeslien-Jenkins at 406-444-1964 or email us at
Indirect cost rate applications - Due April 30th
Districts that plan to charge indirect costs (e.g., general administration, accounting services, and personnel services) to FY2025 federal and state grant awards using an indirect cost rate must complete an indirect cost rate application form. Application for an indirect cost rate does not increase the amount of the grant award.
For compatibility with the e-grants system the closing date for applying for an Indirect Cost Rate is April 30, 2024.
The U.S. Department of Education renewed our indirect cost agreement effective for FY2022. Consequently, some aspects of the indirect calculation have changed with this application round:
- School Systems enrolling greater than 2,600 students must redirect costs associated with business manager salary and benefits to direct and unallowable.
- Indirect Cost Rates will be awarded per school system rather than by LE.
- The use of a carry forward calculation has been eliminated. The calculation has been replaced with a five-year rolling average with a 5% discount.
Indirect Cost Rate Application and resources for FY2025 are available on the OPI website.
Please review the instructions and additional documentation for more details.
Indirect Cost Rate Cover Letter (please read)
Indirect Cost Rate Instructions
If you reclassify costs to adjust the indirect cost rate, please read the Indirect Cost Rate Instructions prior to reclassification of costs for an adjusted rate. A reclassification calculator is available for aiding in the determination of an adjusted indirect cost rate.
Schedule A, which shows preliminary rates.
The Certification forms.
If you have questions or need assistance viewing the files, please contact: Amanda Zigan at 406-444-3096.
If you have questions about how to complete the indirect cost rate application, please contact: Barbara Quinn at 406-444-3249.
Tuition Forms - Complete and Entered to Maefairs
Student Attendance Agreements should be completed upon enrollment in a school (20-5-322, MCA). Students who are in foster or group homes outside of their resident district should be entered into MAEFAIRS as soon as they are approved by the attending district. This allows resident districts to review their obligations or dispute their status as resident district – facilitating payments due in the ensuing year. Please make sure to enter these agreements in a timely manner and run the reports set up for resident districts in MAEFAIRS. Please see the forms located under Tuition and Attendance.
FP14.2 Foster and Group Home Student Attendance Agreement
FP15 Day Treatment and Out of State Tuition
For more information, please contact Andrea Mohammadi at (406) 444-1960, or contact us by email at
FY 2024 Elections
The election calendar is available here Election Calendar - 2024 Expanded ( Additional guidance is also available at Elections (
If you need more information or immediate assistance, please contact Andrea Mohammadi at (406) 444-1960 (desk), (406)438-6623 (cell),, or contact us by email at
OPI Application Access Guides for NEW Clerks and Superintendents
The OPI has information for new:
To assist in getting set up with their new roles, please see the documents located on the School Finance webpage. For more information, please contact Amanda Zigan at (406) 444-3096 or contact us by email at
Pupil Transportation Bus Route Reimbursement Claims Zoom Training
The OPI will be hosting a webinar training walk through the process of entering and submitting TR-6 Bus Route Reimbursement Claims in the Pupil Transportation System.
This training will take place via Zoom on February 9, 2024, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and will be led by Donell Rosenthal, Director of Pupil Transportation.
The overall purpose for this training is to provide transportation program users with an understanding of the process for entering and submitting reimbursement claims.
Semester 1 Reimbursement Claims are required to be entered and submitted by the statutory deadline of February 15, 2024, per 20-10-145, MCA, 10.7.101 and 10.7.104, ARM.
February 9, 2024
9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Amanda Zigan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Pupil Transportation Webinar
Time: Feb 8, 2024 09:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 8998 0546
Password: 754629
Dial by Telephone
+1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 894 8998 0546
Password: 754629
Find your local number:
Mandatory 15 Hour Bus Driver Training
A quality driver training program is critical to the success of a school transportation program. The commitment to provide school bus drivers who are safe, competent and well trained should be the goal of every school district. In order to achieve that goal, each district shall develop and implement a continuing education program for school bus drivers providing at least 15 hours of mandatory in-service training annually. The plan shall, upon request, be available for inspection by the Office of Public Instruction.
The minimum required training topics can be reviewed in the 2022 Montana School Bus Standards.
Training should be well documented for every driver that includes the date of training, hours completed, topic of training, and the duration of the training.
For more information, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316 or contact us by email at
Annual Driving Records
Annual driving records must be performed on all drivers to ensure compliance with School Bus Driver Qualifications in 20-10-103, MCA and 10.64.201, ARM.
Driving Records information can be requested through the Montana Department of Justice
For more information, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316 or contact us by email at
FY 2024 Semester 1 Transportation Reimbursement Claims
By February 15th school districts must electronically enter and submit Bus Route Reimbursement Claims (TR6) and Individual Contract Reimbursement Claims (TR5) in the Pupil Transportation System.
School districts will receive state and county transportation reimbursement based on actual days for all routes operated for transporting eligible riders from home to school. (20-10-145, MCA).
NOTE: If school districts experienced unplanned school closures, or routes were not run anytime within the semester, districts may not claim for reimbursement for those days.
Individual transportation contract claims will be reimbursed for each day of school attendance for the student and for actual miles transported.
Once the school district has submitted reimbursement claims, a signed copy by the board chair must be sent to the county superintendent.
By February 22nd County superintendents must review and electronically approve the TR-5 and TR-6 claims for the first semester.
The state transportation reimbursements for first semester will be made with the March 2024 payment.
Upon receipt of electronic state payment notice, the county superintendent orders the disbursement of county reimbursement for first semester transportation based on state reimbursement.
If you have questions or require assistance entering and submitting the first semester transportation reimbursement claims, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316.
Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Registration--Urgent
A review of the enrollment rate for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH), specific to Montana carriers/entities was recently completed.
The review showed that more than 45% of the carriers/entities reporting at least one (1) CDL driver had NOT signed up for the DACH as required by 49 CFR 382.711. The review performed includes school districts.
DACH registration/queries must be done online at
In order to avoid being in non-compliance, which can result in driver Out of Service, roadside citations, civil penalties, and other impacts to your business operations, please make sure you are using the DACH.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact FMCSA at (406) 449-5304.
Transportation Semester 2 Bus Inspections – 1/31/2024
The Montana Highway Patrol must perform the second semiannual bus inspection of school buses by January 31 and re-inspect the buses, if necessary, before transporting students.
Only school buses that pass inspection may be used to transport students and only school buses that pass inspection will receive state and county transportation reimbursement. A school bus that fails to pass inspection will not be eligible for state and county reimbursement until the bus is reinspected and approved by the inspecting officer.
Upon completion of bus inspections, forms must also be signed and dated by the District Official.
The school district is responsible for contacting the Montana Highway Patrol for bus inspections. Buses that are placed in operation after the school semester has begun must be inspected and approved by the Montana Highway Patrol before the bus is operated on the established route.
Inspection Forms can be accessed through the Pupil Transportation System and must be entered electronically upon completion of the inspections.
For more information, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316 or contact us by email at
Bus Driver Certificate TR35
School bus drivers must hold a valid Montana School Bus Driver Certificate (TR35) for a district to be eligible to receive state reimbursement.
Qualifications for bus drivers are prescribed by 20-10-103, MCA, and by the Board of Public Education in ARM 10.64.201. The bus driver certificate forms are provided and must be maintained electronically in the Pupil Transportation System.
The chair of the board of trustees must sign the certificate which is issued to a driver who is authorized and qualified to drive a school bus pursuant to all applicable rules, regulations, and laws. The district must retain a current copy of each bus driver's certificate, provide a copy to the bus service contractor, if applicable, and files a copy with the county superintendent. The bus driver is required to always carry a current and valid hard copy of the certificate while driving a school bus.
For more information, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316 or contact us by email at
Audit Letter for FY-2023
The annual letter to auditors can be found on the OPI website by clicking this Audit link. The letter provides general information for the fiscal year 2023 regarding issues affecting Montana school district audits and special items the OPI would like auditors to review for compliance with statute and administrative rule.
For more information, please contact Whitney Williams at 406-444-3408 or contact us by email at
School Year 2024-2025 Changes
STRUCTURE CHANGES with an effective date of July 1, 2024: School districts with changes to operating status, grade level configurations, school/district name, etc., should contact the OPI as soon as possible. Please send official notice of these change requests, on district letterhead, signed by the Authorized Representative, to the School Finance email at
For more information, please contact Andrea Mohammadi at 406-444-1960, or contact us by email
PERSONNEL CHANGES in the Directory of Montana Schools: Changes to Trustee, board chair, clerk/business manager, superintendent, or principal must be changed in OPI Contacts. Instructions for how to make these changes are found here: Instructions.
For more information, please contact Amanda Zigan at 406-444-3096, or contact us by email at
Updating School Contact Information with OPI
District Clerks are responsible for keeping their district’s contact information up to date. According to § 20-3-307, MCA, Trustee Contact information is required to be updated within 14 days following the qualification and oathtaking of a newly elected trustee or for the filling of vacancy on the board (the county superintendent is responsible for providing information to the district clerk for the purpose of updating the Trustee Repository). Contact information also affects the Budget and TFS reports as well as how the AR for OPI and E-Grants updates. The instructions on how to update your schools’ information can be found at the following link: Instructions.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: All school districts please go to the OPI website - Directory of Montana Schools - to verify your schools’ information.
Changes must be made by the Clerk in OPI Contacts for:
Trustees (required by HB 811).
Board chair.
Clerk/business manager.
For more information, please contact Amanda Zigan at 406-444-3096, or contact us by email at
School Finance Updates to the OPI Website
Updated Indirect Cost Rate FY 2025 Instructions on the School Finance Accounting page, under Indirect Cost Rates on the Indirect Cost Rate Resources section.
Updated Cover Letter for Indirect Cost Rate FY2025 on the School Finance Accounting page, under Indirect Cost Rates on the Indirect Cost Rate Resources section.
Uploaded Budget Amendment Packet on the School Finance Accounting page, under the Budget Spreadsheet & Guidance.
Uploaded Multidistrict and Interlocal Agreement Guidance on the School Finance Accounting page, under Other Materials.
Uploaded FY 2024 General Budget Overview Worksheet on the School Finance Budget page, under Budget Spreadsheets & Guidance.
Uploaded FY 2023 TFS reports on the School Finance Accounting page, under Trustee Financial Summary.
Uploaded ANB Calculation Sheet on School Finance Student Count ANB page, under Guidance & Resources.
Updated Tax Credit Scholarship and Innovation Education Program Guidance on the School Finance Accounting page, under Guidance and Manuals on the Program Guidance section.
Updated FY 2023 Audit Letter on the School Finance Audit page, under Information to Auditors.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.