Language and Culture
We hope you are enjoying your December! Here are some indigenous terms for this time of year:
Úutte Alachíakaatuua - The Time of Year When There Are White Weasels: Apsaalooke Crow
Oototsstoyi - When the Cold Comes: Niitsitapi (Pikuni) Blackfeet
Pawahcakinasîs - Drift Clearing Month: Annishinabe (Ojibwe) Cree
Maˈxêheˈkoneneešeˈhe - Big Hard Face Moon: Tsetsêhesêstâhase/ So’taahe Cheyenne
Kécini-báasi-bétaan-ííísíisʔi - Winter Big Holy Day: Aaniiih
As we move into the new year, we hope you find time to share an indigenous story. Many tribes utilize the snowy season to share and transmit knowledge handed down from time immemorial and sharing these stories in other times of the year may be inappropriate for a variety of reasons.
Across the state, tribes are working on teacher trainings, resource development and community building. We hope you can reach out to the local tribal education departments and leaders to find the latest in targeted material.
Lastly, we hope that as your students engage in one of many indigenous language classes across the state or online, you can encourage them to consider the Seal of Biliteracy as a goal for their graduating year.
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