AIM Data Collections
The AIM Data Collection Schedule contains a complete list of all AIM data collections occurring throughout the year. The following AIM Data Collections are taking place during the months of November and December and are due as follows:
Fall Teacher Class, due 11/10/2023
· Districts must enter course information (NCES Code, Sections Teacher of Record, Roster) for students enrolled from the first day of school through 10/2/2023.
Fall Career and Technical Education (CTE), due 12/31/2023
· Enter Date Contacted and Post-Program Status for students identified as CTE Concentrators in the prior year End of Year CTE Collection. These students should be contacted in the second quarter of the 23-24 school year.
Fall Personnel (Terms of Employment), due 12/15/2023
· Verify District Employment, District Assignment, Quality Educator Component (QEC), Special Education, Paraprofessional, Contractor, and Coordinator information for all staff employed through 10/2/2023.
Applications for Teacher Incentive must be completed by this date and may be found under State Announcements in Infinite Campus. Eligible districts will receive additional instructions on how to identify those educators within Infinite Campus.
AIM User Guides/TEAMS Transition Documents:
New AIM User Guides and TEAM Transition documents are in the works! Please check the AIM page often to view these updates.
AIM Reporting Cohort Data - Date First Entered 9th Grade:
Please ensure all high school students have their Date First Entered 9th Grade field populated under the Graduation Tab. Use the Data Validation Reports in Infinite Campus to assist with data verification.
AIM Student Photos Needed:
Please remember to collect the Student Photo Opt-In information from parents as register their students. Districts are required to provide information on the repository and information about how to opt-in (20-7-1317, MCA). Districts must then upload the students’ photos into Infinite Campus, so the photos in AIM with the Opt-in value can be used by the Department of Justice to help find missing children. See our AIM District Student Photo Repository user guide for additional information.
Updating AIM Contact Information:
Please update your AIM contacts whenever there is a change in AIM staff or AIM contact info at your district or school. Instructions may be found on the AIM webpage.
AIM Help Desk
Submit an AIM Help Desk Ticket
or call 1-877-424-6681 or 406-444-3800